New cage got here! YAY!!!


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Senegal: Oliver ~~
Yellow-Sided GCC's: Bella and Zora ~~
R.I.P Tweeters the Cockatiel<3
Bella and Zora's new cage got here; I was jumping for joy LOL! Set it up in about 30-45 min. with two hands. A little difficult but that's because I slacked off on the instructions a bit LOL! This was withing 5 minutes of putting the toys on haha, I'm going to my local bird store to go purchase some stainless steel cups. Ok well here's what you've been waiting for: pictures!!!

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Aaah why is it sideways! *pulls out hair* I have no comnputer knowledge.
Anyways more pictures, maybe they'll work this time?

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:11::( You don't??? Let me try again... does it work now?
Nope, still don't see it....How are you loading it on here??? I do it from photobucket and I copy and paste the codes into the picture icon above the box where you type.
Gah. Forums are being weird. Sorry if repost.

From the looks of the link, its coming from Yahoo.


If it's from a private server, we won't be able to view it.

Your file should have a .jpg or .png file to display/at the end of the hyperlink. You can use a service like Photobucket, Imgur, Google Plus etc; so long as the image is set to public. Right click the image, Copy Image URL and post that to your post. :) (using the photo option)
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Ok, I'm doing it on PhotoBucket, fingerscrossed....

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Yes! By the way have you noticed i like dog toys? ;)
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Wow that's nice. I wish we could have a cage for Casper that had as much space in proportion to his size. But that would make it about the size of our room. So we just leave the top of the cage and the door open all day. Getting him in to go to sleep is just like dealing with a small child though. :rolleyes:

One of the funniest things I have read recently was "of course I didn't read the instructions, it was hard enough without" :D
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  • #15
Thanks everybody!
LOL guys your hilarious. SCP, bedtime is horrible! I put one bird in, the other runs out. Yay...
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