New cage!!! **PICS**


New member
Aug 24, 2005
Cedar Park, TX
sun conure girls: Allie & Kira
So...story time. My friend had two birds, a CAG and a B&G. Well a few months ago, her CAG passed away with some heart problems and the B&G is still with her. So...being the awesome bff (IDK, My Bff Jill?? haha...had to add that) she is, she gave me her CAG's cage because they wern't planning on getting a new bird (they also have 3 cats and 5 dogs!!!):eek:
Sooo this morning I got to work with cleaning. First I power blasted with water, then I let both cage bottoms and what not soak in vinigar, then I scrubbed with some dish soap, then I did a bleach and water spray on everthing, followed by a hard water spray. WELLL FINALLLY!!!!!!! I got it upstairs and into my room and is now set up along with the other nets that I made. So here are some pics:

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Here is with the new net set. It is hung like a hammock, but I guess 5'x5' is too big :p


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AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!! i laughed SOO hard at you BFF JIll - for anyone that doesn't know it's from a cell phone commercial that has been running constantly around here LOL Sweet cage someday I hope to get my guys larger living arrangements but that would require a larger house or one where I could arrange myself LOL
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I love that commercial...sadly I know it from start to end.
oh we have that commercial in Canada too! or at least where i live we do. Its kind of dumb because we don't even have singular in Canada.. we get all the American adds here.

Anyway the cage looks great! You should get your friend to join. :D A then maybe she will be nice enough to show us some B&G pics, i think we are all dying fro B&G pics. lol

Your sun conures are so adorable by the way!
WOW, that is awesome, bet the girls are gonna love it. And that net, brilliant. Maybe its big but the girls sure are enjoying it. What lucky girls they are. :D

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