New Eclectus parrot pair owners


New member
Feb 3, 2024
Eclectus parrots (male and female)
Hi all,

We’ve just been gifted a pair of Eclectus parrots and have set up an aviary (15ft x 9ft) effectively in the middle of our house (see pic). I’ve included a camera in their nesting box so we can watch what’s happening.

We’ve just witnessed an interesting behaviour from the female inside the nesting box (see attached video).

Any insights from anyone who knows what’s happening with Ellie would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Hi there, and welcome. I only have a male Ekkie. I’ve met one female Ekkie. She appeared to of been a lot more independent then my male. Female Ekkies are so beautiful.

I do have conures, and a female one who does do something similar to this. She clucks while she is doing this as well. Usually it’s when she’s hormonal. Hopefully someone else comments below.

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