
New member
Mar 21, 2015
Hey all. I'm the proud new owner of a yellow-sided GCC. He's only about 9-10 weeks old. I got him at just over 8 weeks old so not very long ago. I'm curious about a behavior that my little Tracer is exhibiting because it seems the be the complete opposite of everything I've read from other owners.

For one, I have no real trouble getting him out of the cage. He will step up to my finger with little encouragement or prompting. He's taken fairly well to target training. When I read problems people are having with their conures it's that they can't get them out of their cage or biting or the opposite, that they can't get them off their shoulder and won't go back into their cage.

I keep his cage next to my work desk in the living room. So when I take him out (which is no problem) to play it's usually on the couch or near the desk. His cage also has a playtop that I'll leave on him usually. My question is this, whenever I am anywhere near his cage or within sight of it, he will immediately fly to it, I can't do anything to keep his attention from it. Once on the playtop, I've noticed he also is not nearly as comfortable with my hand approaching him to pet or scratch him as he would be if the cage was out of sight. It just seems that if I keep him anywhere near his cage, he will fly to it. Even if I bring him to the other living room and try to sit on the couch with him on my shoulder, he will fly away to a windowsill or something. He just won't stay on me.

Is he just not comfortable with me yet or is there something I'm missing? Or am I just being paranoid.

Thanks in advance!
Congratulations on your new baby! Green cheeks are so wonderful :)
And welcome to the forums!

If I'm understanding correctly, you've had him for about a week? He's probably just a bit nervous being in a new place still, and sees his cage as a safe area, which is good!

I would take him into another room and do some training there with him to work on your bond. When birds can see their cages and aren't totally comfortable with you, they will often "run away" to get back home where they feel secure. It's almost like a sort of anxiety.

I'm a little surprised he doesn't have his wings clipped... Did you get him from a breeder or a pet store? There's nothing wrong with him being fully flighted, it's just a bit odd!
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Thank you so much. And from a breeder. I think there was some confusion. They had 2 yellow sided and they said one of them was clipped and the other wasn't yet. I think they were under the impression that the one I got was the one that was clipped as they said they would clip the fully flighted one if I were to pick it. I was thinking of maybe getting him clipped if he continues but wanted to hold off a bit to see if it gets better.

When we target train I do take him to the kitchen to prevent his cage being a distraction. He even reacts to the stick when it's in his cage now, going as far as chasing it around his cage to get it. He loves those apple treats. I try to do it 2-3 times a day for about 15-20 minutes from what I've read online.
I don't think you have anything to worry about :)
If you decide to clip his wings, it shouldn't impact him too much. It'll probably make him easier to handle while you build up your bond, though!

It sounds like he's reacting normally to his new home. I love hearing about progress, so feel free to keep us all updated!

And pictures! We love to see pictures here!
Agreed i want pictures! :) Green cheeks are so much fun. I also have a yellow sided so i cant wait to see your pics! I agree with Lullx, its only been one week! Your baby is still settling in and his cage is his safe zone and makes him most comfortable. My green cheek was clipped when i got him home so i didnt have this problem, id say just watch for his body laguage and let him do what makes him most comfortable right now. Let him settle into your home, which could take a while. Good luck and keep us updated.

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