New little boy!!


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
Everyone who knows me, knows that regardless of how long I have had birds, Budgies are one of my all time favorites. Espeically English budgies. :)

I had a decision to make about a month ago... Since we experienced the loss of little Twigs, Mink just hasn't been as happy as she was when she had a friend. While Mink is hand tame, she is not used to living alone, and would prefer to have a same species friend to share her spacious cage with. She is very much alone when I'm gone during the day, because I keep the budgies in a separate area of the house (for their safety) away from the parrots.

Although I've said before that I personally feel maxed out with birds, the above reason with the consideration of Mink is why I've made the decision to add the new boy, and he will be in the same cage as Mink, so no extra work there, and they'll have each other to keep company just as Twigs did when he was with us.

So here he is! Sweet baby Chip :). He has been weaned for a couple weeks and is a hand fed, hand tame English budgie. Cinnamon Sky blue color mutation. He will be coming home tomorrow (Wednesday).

Congratulations! Look at that sweet little face! Chip is darling, Julie! I hope Mink will cheer up with a new room mate.
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Thank you Allee! I have to put the finishing touches in his quarantine cage tonight! They won't be meeting for a while, but they can chirp to each other.

He seemed to be a nice boy and have a docile temperament, as I handled him at the bird store and watched him interact with his cage mates. I think he and Mink will be a good match.
Hi Chip you are Adorable and a very Lucky boy to be coming to live with Mink and Ravensgryf and the rest of the are doing the right thing for Mink...I know that from how sad PeterPan was when my Roger passed and even though Peter Pan is not a budgie your little budgie Mink was grieving too and this is just what she needs. I love Budgies too. Chip is Gorgeous :)
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Thank you Birdigirl :). Mink was definitely grieving at first. She was very cranky for the first few days, then went into a deep depression and wouldn't eat as much or do much of anything, and scoot away to the back when I'd approach, as if she was saying "just leave me alone now". She has adjusted, but I can't help but feel she needs a companion when I'm not at home, as she is not near the parrots at all. Birds are so resilient. Even though they grieve loss, they "get over it" and can move on so quickly.
Congratulations. He is a real cute little guy. I hope he makes a good companion.
Super cute! I'm pretty sure this is the lil guy in the same cage as the green one I almost got hypnotized into bringing home last weekend lol Love the name Chip how adorable.

Did ya see the dilute green check while you were there? omg that lil fella was so hysterically funny... kept giving me part of his paper towel to hold and then rolling up like a burrito in it lol

I try so hard to go in and run out with blinders on but it's impossible to not play with them all :)
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Thanks TexasWade, Al, Christine, Graciesmom! How funny you recognize where it is lol! I used to live down there but now I'm about an hour away. That's where Mink came from. I trust that store. I did see the one GCC I think you're talking about who was right by the budgies. He was adorable, you're right! Christine, I know how much you want a budgie ;).
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Oh Julie little chip is a sweetie, she says longingly. Budgies have a special place in my heart too. Welcome little one.
He is so cute! Looking forward to seeing many photos of him. Congratulations!
Congrats Julie, and most of all, congrats to Mink on her handsome new friend! Did you get him from the same breeder you got Mink? I know you've talked about how wonderfully she was reared by them.
Very handsome boy you have there Julie...I love the blue on Budgies. My very first bird was a blue budgie and what a guy he was.

And I understand the grieving part too..Amy was dispondent when Smokey passed away, She would just sit on her resting perch all day not saying a word and it also effected my emotional wellbeing seeing my normally chatty and active 'zon like this..thats why I adopted Jonesy..

And now that BB is is blissful once again :p

Nice, Jules! Congratulations on your soon to be new flock member! I know Mink will love her new flock mate! Chip is beautiful!
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Thank you everyone :).

April, yes I got him from the same bird store as Mink came from. The owner bred both of them, as he does many of the birds in his stores. I trust that store. They're great at making sure your baby is completely ready to come home and eating veggies before they let them go. New bird vet exam is complementary too.

LeaKP I agree budgies are very underrated, especially tame ones. Budgies were never my first bird. I had parrots many years before my first budgie. Just a few years ago I got completely hooked on them! They're such adorable little things.
Julie, Chip is absolutely gorgeous! What a beautiful colour he is. I bet Mink is going to fall in love as soon as she sees him:)
Please post pics when they meet after quarantine, I can't wait to see!
He has no idea how lucky he is that he gets to come live with you:)
T How funny you recognize where it is lol! I trust that store. I did see the one GCC I think you're talking about who was right by the budgies. He was adorable, you're right!

Funny or actually sad that I did lol shows my shopaholic status... just too much fun in there :) I tell myself it's because I like to make sure Gracie's dry foods are super fresh. Yep he was right above them when I was there, rolling around in paper towels lol soo cute. I'm a big sucker for cute antics. Stopped by Brea location this week for my fix & an adorable caique hopped over to me, chirped and before I knew it jumped up my arm and was inside my shirt rolling around before I could process lol Super fast & funny.
Excuse me young man behind the counter lol assistance please? I think not lol I must have looked hysterical reaching in and going around in circles trying to corral the little bugger while not giving the whole store a peep show.

Good luck with your new one I'm sure he'll be a great addition :)
Budgies are the most amazing, adorable little guys. I LOVE their raspy little mimickry. I actually go watch them on YouTube, having none of my own.

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