New member hellos

Jun 28, 2007
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20-something Double Yellow Head Amazon & 6 year old sun conure
Hello (in as many different versions that my Amazon can say it)

I'm new to the group. I am owned by a double yellow head amazon and a sun conure (and one blind cat and a blind, diabetic cat). Yes, I get the 'freaks', but they are the best ones to have in your life. Boo has liver disease. Lulu is just horny. Both the cats are old men and ignore the birds. They hear one screech from Lulu and make a quick exit. All of them are rescues. Our amazon goes camping with us when the season permits. The sun conure is a sweet thing but is generally a very loud sexually repressed mess. The amazon is named Boo and the sun conure is Lulu. Just wanted to introduce myself and the critters.

Hi there Jen and Welcome to Parrot Forums, its great to have you join us. I too have an old cat, and a very ancient dog You are gonna fit in here very well. :D I look forward to hearing all about everyone, and we just love pics here.

If you have any questions then please just ask, someone will always be able to help, and we'll all probably chip in somewhere. :D

Welcome, have fun look forward to talking soon.
Hello to you, too, Jen and welcome! Special needs always have special hearts (I have a 3-legged Border Collie and many rescues). I saw your post on the Pionus Forum and am trying to get some information for you.

Look forward to hearing more ... ! ;)
Thank you for the welcomes. I am sitting here working on my eBay site and Lulu is loving the bars of the cage. Cute. She's a wonderful bird and quiet when I am in the room. I thought about getting her a mate, but I don't really want to breed more of the loud little guys.

It's great to have you and your flock here ...
ur Ebay site...arg my addiction. I have had to limit my visits. I have tents ,perfume,cameras,chaps,cds,clothes,parratfanalia....and so the list goes on. She who hates shopping cant resist the thought of bidding and winning a bargain.
What is ur site ?;)
Oh welcome to the forum...sorry..:o

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