new year fid resolutions


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
Have your fids make their new years resolutions yet, Bucc has promised to stop throwing mums glasses across the room, and biting her finger nails off. He is also going to clean his own cage and pick his toys up after he's finished with them. :18: Can't wait to see that. He is also going to stop tormenting the cat and dogs. Hehehehe Yeah right.
Alliee will too, clean her cage once a week. She will stop screaming randomly when I move my arm to itch or get a pen. (she is very random) and will be nice when her sister will come home in march!

She might add to this list. and will keep everyone updated!
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It a good job that the New Year resolutions don't start til tomorrow, cos Bucc would have just broken all of his, my glasses went flying, he's had a nibble on my nails, and has thrown his toys all over the floor!!! All that and just because I wouldn't let him have all of my orange juice. You gotta love em lol

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