
Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
New2this you are our 100 member, I hope you get a chance to pop in to introduce yourself soon. Look forward to talking to you.
:59: :jumping40 :35:​
That is great!!! We are growing to a large family around here. How old is this forum if i may ask? Just curious i guess...:33:
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Eclectica said:
That is great!!! We are growing to a large family around here. How old is this forum if i may ask? Just curious i guess...:33:

Its wonderful that we are growing all the time, The board started June 05 so we are only a year and a half old. Very new compared to some others. The nice thing about us is that we can discuss anything and there's never been any nastiness. We've even discussed the very controversial subject of Wing Clipping, if we can discuss this without any nastiness then we can discuss anything.

We have some very great Members here.
We wouldnt be that great if it wasnt for our SUPER DUPER MODERATOR! I love it on here, i am on some other forums, of dogs and guinea pigs but i dont nearly post as much on there. I just 'clicked' on this forum. Love what you did with Looks like its goin to be a great info site!!!
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  • #5
Eclectica said:
We wouldnt be that great if it wasnt for our SUPER DUPER MODERATOR! I love it on here, i am on some other forums, of dogs and guinea pigs but i dont nearly post as much on there. I just 'clicked' on this forum. Love what you did with Looks like its goin to be a great info site!!!

Why Thank you Wilma, your making me all embarresed now.

If it wasn't for all of our members who post here then there would be no site, so I think its thanks to us all that we are going into one nice big happy family.

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