No longer the boss!


Well-known member
May 8, 2017
Green cheek conure - Sydney (Syd) Hatched 2/2017
It seems to me that quietly Syd has been taking over. I find I try not to leave him too long if I have to go out. I have the radio on a lot more than I used to and while I would happily increase the layers when it was cold, now I worry about him being warm enough so the heating bills will probably be a shock when they come.
Today though he might have hit the final straw. Having shown a liking to walking on the floor, he has now added attacking my shoes while down there and finally having discovered that he quite likes to hide he has just made every effort to climb up inside my trouser leg!
I tried the routine of removing him and saying NO, but here I am with my trousers tucked in my socks. Believe me it's not the best look. I have always prided myself on being a natty dresser and taken care with my appearance.

Will I end up as a recluse in my tucked in trousers avoiding anyone arriving at the front door and keeping curtains (drapes) closed? What will become of me? :eek:
Lol, man up ;) I've found that give a bird (feathered or non feathered) an inch, they will take a mile.
I'd say you just cave into your vastly superior avian overlord. Some fights are loosing battles:p
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I'd say you just cave into your vastly superior avian overlord. Some fights are loosing battles:p

Oh no! Have I got to add 'I'm a wuss!' to all the other demeaning signs? Woe is me! :confused:
They need to learn to be happy in their cage though. If they have toys and stimulation then its absolutly fine leaving them for hours while you go to work ect. Its best to get them used to this or problems will arise. Its not cruel.

I get Xander out in a morning for 30 min then im gone 9 hours and then he is out 5 hours at night before bed. He has got used to this. Also its frowned upon but try a happy hut. Mine loves sleeping in his or chilling inside it. Keeps him warm if the temp drops a little but its never really cold. If you decide to get one then get a velvet one because they dont thread. Others are dangerous, really dangerous.

He sounds like a fun little guy. I know they love being on the ground. I laughed reading this. Try shorts lol x
Suggestion for "high electric bill" :

Get one of these heated perches and/or the medium size heating plate which you install near a regular perch.... Pico ( GCC ) loves the heated perch, but also sits sometime close to the heating pad..... One time investment, saves you lots of money on your electric bill.

Just saying.....

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They need to learn to be happy in their cage though. If they have toys and stimulation then its absolutly fine leaving them for hours while you go to work ect. Its best to get them used to this or problems will arise. Its not cruel.

I get Xander out in a morning for 30 min then im gone 9 hours and then he is out 5 hours at night before bed. He has got used to this. Also its frowned upon but try a happy hut. Mine loves sleeping in his or chilling inside it. Keeps him warm if the temp drops a little but its never really cold. If you decide to get one then get a velvet one because they dont thread. Others are dangerous, really dangerous.

He sounds like a fun little guy. I know they love being on the ground. I laughed reading this. Try shorts lol x

Come on. You have to be kidding! Shorts? In this weather? Don't worry he loves his cage, has plenty to do, and a very varied routine. I don't think boredom is part of his psyche! Bless the little so an so.:eek:
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Suggestion for "high electric bill" :

Get one of these heated perches and/or the medium size heating plate which you install near a regular perch.... Pico ( GCC ) loves the heated perch, but also sits sometime close to the heating pad..... One time investment, saves you lots of money on your electric bill.

Just saying.....

You may need to copy/paste the links

I wish we could. You are much better catered for in the State. Here in the UK these things are just not available that I can see.
Yeah your right. Its boring in the UK for Parrot related things. Few rescues ect. Lack of safe trees outside to get branches. Pet stores sell little too.

Get him a lil jumper lol. Ive seen them in them, its really cute n funny. Where in UK are you? X
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Yeah your right. Its boring in the UK for Parrot related things. Few rescues ect. Lack of safe trees outside to get branches. Pet stores sell little too.

Get him a lil jumper lol. Ive seen them in them, its really cute n funny. Where in UK are you? X

Gloucestershire. A jumper? I battled getting him to wear a harness, he won the battle but the war will be mine!
Lol so funny. Im interested in a Conure. Whats your guy like? apart from what we know :)

I hear Glous is a nice place but never been. Im from Notts x
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I like him but then he's the only bird I have had as an adult. Big beaks are scary! He's bright, chatting, entertaining but just 1 year old so I guess all that could change this year. At present he is a glue monkey and his favourite place is on my shoulder, head, neck or today on my shoe!
He was described as a blue Conure when I got him so I really don't know how that makes him so different other than colouring.
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@CarI_Power I have 2 conures and they're both amazing. From what I can tell they're less moody than a Quaker Parrot and less territorial. I have a Sun and a Nanday. The Sun is cautious but living and is definitely the watchdog of the house yet he loves to relax with me and cuddle for hours. The Nanday is a baby still but he's very loving and playful and a bit of a doofus. He's much bigger than my Sun but doesn't know it and has been known to play on his back for hours. He sometimes accidentally rolls off the couch on to the floor while playing.
Awww thanks guys. All your birdies seem so amazing and very very beautiful. Yeah Quakers can be moody. Xander is but its not in a bad way. One day he is active and eager to train. The next I have to nudge him a little but he is always loving and nice natured and unbelievably smart.

I think a GCC would go well with him and being a similar size hopefully they wont hurt each other but I wouldn't let them anyway.

I think Blue Conure just relates to his colouring. There are 4-5 different colour variations of Green Cheeks but all beautiful.

Wouldn't it be cool if there was a chat thing on this site so we could all talk x
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