October 2023 POTM Contest!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 24, 2018
Maine, USA
Tucker the Red Sided Eclectus
Baxter the YNA
Avery the CAG
Patches the Grand Eclectus, my best friend. RIP
Cuckoo the BFA RIP
My sincerest apologies for the late start this month. Personal life and business duties have to come first.
However, there's method to the madness...

This Month's Theme:

As today, October 7th, is National Inner Beauty Day :)

It's no secret that we all see our birds as beautiful, but... Why?

The obvious answer, It's because of their inner beauty.
The intangible glow of personality that makes them who they are,
and the reason we love them oh so much.
Many of you know I have a soft spot for the "imperfect" birdies, the plucked or
unconventional looking ones that steal your heart. It's that inner beauty that
causes me, and so many of you, to look past the physical,

even if they're physically gorgeous.
They're worthy of being loved no matter what, aren't they?

So, Let's see pictures of your birds showing how glorious and beautiful they are,
Inside and out!






The contest will run from now until the morning of October 29th (Eastern USA time) at which time there will be a three day polling period. Winner will be announced the morning of November 1st. The winner will receive a free, one year Supporting Membership to Parrot Forums, and the winning entry will be displayed on the forum homepage for the following month. The winning photo will also be automatically entered into our Photo of the Year Contest for next year!!!

Only one "Official Entry" per person, however, you may submit as many "Just for Fun" entries as you like! Videos and photoshopped images will be allowed, but not required.
Please don't forget to tell us your bird's name in your post. :)
Good luck everyone!

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Oh Jon, you've knocked it out of the park again with this fantastic theme, I absolutely love and adore it!!! What a truly beautiful month this is going to be, and it's already off to a flying start!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
Official entry:

This is Sludge (weird name, long story for another time!) He was a purple crowned lorikeet we had WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY back in the 1990s/early 2000s. I'm a chronic migraine sufferer, and back in those days before I hit on a magic combination of meds that worked wonders for me, I would spend two or three days in bed, almost completely immobile and utterly miserable from the pain they'd cause. Even when he was a baby with clipped wings, Sludge would make the journey from the living room to my bedroom, I'd hear him doing that lorikeet-hop up the stairs and along the hallway. He'd climb up the bedclothes and perch himself on my pillow close to my head to watch over me, and he did it all his life. He'd sit there for ages quite happily, just preening and chirping, my husband would take him downstairs for some food and a poop, and he'd hop right back up to me again when he was done. Even though he's been gone for almost 20 years, I still miss him and I'm tearing up even now just writing this. Such a beautiful little birdie on the outside, and the sweetest little soul on the inside. Mummy will always love you, my precious baby boy. 💝

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Good boy, Sludge! Taking such good care of mama. :) What a sweet little soul he was!
This is Zorro! He just joined the family a few weeks back and I honestly couldn't be happier. Impulsively bought him and we're learning from eachother every day.

here he was on some hyperactive frenzy. He looks like he's about to kill someone, but to me it's just his beautiful little smile <3
(Official entry!)
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This is Zorro! He just joined the family a few weeks back and I honestly couldn't be happier. Impulsively bought him and we're learning from eachother every day.

here he was on some hyperactive frenzy. He looks like he's about to kill someone, but to me it's just his beautiful little smile <3
(Official entry!)
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I agree, that IS a beautiful smile, and obviously a very happy birdie!
Most of us are captivated by the beuty of birds but the "ugliest" duckling can often have the most beautiful heart and character. My grey tiel, Shifty, is like that, just the normal grey colour but I love his personality.

Official entry
Here we see Shifty drying out himself after having a bath. I like the fact that I can check his wings and feathers without having to handle him.

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Hi. Since Ruby is sick, I can only find a pic that can show her mischievous personality getting her in trouble! Official entry:

This was one of the JFF but I think I shows Ruby’s personality very good! (In getting in trouble!) Hope Ruby gets better!
My little couple named Andy Squawkers (green) and Sky Child (blue/white/yellow mix) are mating down in Iowa fall. they will have sex when they think im not looking. but no eggs yet. but i have a feeling. Sky cannot be separated from Andy and it's SO CUTE. here's a picture! I edited a tad for fun. I did this with a computer so it was hard for a picture that was only in selfie mode | I just noticed but instead of romeio and juliet its more of Blu and jewel from rio


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Official entry:

This is Sludge (weird name, long story for another time!) He was a purple crowned lorikeet we had WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY back in the 1990s/early 2000s. I'm a chronic migraine sufferer, and back in those days before I hit on a magic combination of meds that worked wonders for me, I would spend two or three days in bed, almost completely immobile and utterly miserable from the pain they'd cause. Even when he was a baby with clipped wings, Sludge would make the journey from the living room to my bedroom, I'd hear him doing that lorikeet-hop up the stairs and along the hallway. He'd climb up the bedclothes and perch himself on my pillow close to my head to watch over me, and he did it all his life. He'd sit there for ages quite happily, just preening and chirping, my husband would take him downstairs for some food and a poop, and he'd hop right back up to me again when he was done. Even though he's been gone for almost 20 years, I still miss him and I'm tearing up even now just writing this. Such a beautiful little birdie on the outside, and the sweetest little soul on the inside. Mummy will always love you, my precious baby boy. 💝

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What a noble knight.
What a noble knight.
Indeed he was. And it was my privilege to have him as my little guardian from the moment he squeezed through the bars of the cage he was in at the pet shop and jumped onto my shoulder to "claim" me!!💖
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Our funny guy Gordy!

Unfortunately he passed on10/03/23
He was an amazing ray of light and joy, he brought the fun to the party, he made many friends in his short life! He will be missed forever.


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