OH NO~ Help....


New member
Mar 21, 2011
Little Rock, AR
6 mos old male Alexandrine parrot named Albert. :)
My crazy Alexandrine just drank out of my cocktail!!! All he got was one sip/gulp/whatever... but it's.. (how embarrassing!) clear rum, orange juice and lemonade. UGGGGGGHHHH...
Now what?!
I am SURE he only got a taste, but being new to this, now i'm terrified.
HAHA.....Your gonna have one drunk bird!!!!! We failed to watch our macaw one day when we had white wine on the coffee table, he manages to get on the couch and hop onto the table and took many sips....He was one happy drunk!!! I've heard many breeders before taking them into the bird fair give their birds some liquor....lol I would never advise it, but that's what I heard....
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So, it's all good??
He LOVED it!~ lol
Great..... I have an alcoholic Alexandrine. Fabulous.
No worries though? Seriously????
Thanks M~
your the best!
I have 2 agree with spiritbird........Very good article. :) I would not be 2 concerned about the 1 sip but I would also be cautious in the future.
Guys! No one that really cares for their birds, especially the ones that asks for help gives it to them on purpose. Accidents do happen! I laugh about it now because mine done it once and he was fine. Just have to be careful next time.

To the original poster, don't worry about it. Just don't leave your drinks unattended next time cause they will go for it next time. All is well!! :)
Yea, as with all things you gotta keep watch. These guys are too curious.

It's like that one time my dog ate my food I left unattended. Don't want it to happen? Then be paranoid about it! If you drink or eat something they shouldn't take, lock the animal up. :p

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