Our Dusky Conure flew away. Have questions about it


New member
Jun 24, 2014
So..my dusky conure flew away, and i guess the question i have is that when we try to locate him, he keeps flying from Tree to Tree To tree.

each time we locate him, he wouldn't come down. I would call for him, me and my girlfriend, i would bring his companion bird friend, for literally maybe 3 hours of us encouraging for him to come down. He won't. I mean we literally found him in 5 separate tree in like an 3 mile radius from our house.

I think..he is gone now or an hawk have eaten him since we have many hawks that live around here.

I guess my question is..why wouldn't he fly down? I know he might be scared, but we had to chase him to 5 different trees, and when we apporach him, he would just fly away. I am wondering if he is looking for an mate, since he had 2 other sun conure females, (both of them died egg bounding..:(

It just seem like he wouldn't want to come down at all..and he was just..looking for something.

Is it possible he is looking his mate that passed away or trying to find a new lady bird friend?

Most likely he is dead..we don't hear him screaming anymore..which we able to use to try to locate him.




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I know he was scared..just so confused why he would not fly down. I mean locating a bird 5 seperate times in a TWO day period in a 5 mile radius is EXTREMELY rare, we were lucky to hear him and we drove everywhere. Plus had to take off time to work.

It's just so frustrating. One tree he was literally just 15 feet above, and would not fly down..its like he THOUGHT this was a game..but there are hawks.

I will never understand him. :(


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Jun 16, 2014
Once birds are outside, they usually want to fly up, not down. Its just in their nature. Unless he was hungry and recall trained, it might never have occurred to him what you wanted.

I'm sorry you lost your bird, but I guess I wouldn't give up just yet. You never know...


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We are still looking for him. But the odds are low..so many hawks..and haven't heard him screaming now.

So either he got eaten or he flew really far away which i don't think he would do because he was in the area in the first 2 days.

It's frustrating.

he was literally just 15 feet above and i was calling for him for hours..and now its gone.

thank for the answer..


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Aug 15, 2013
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Avery, a GCC born on March 5th, 2013 & Shiko, a blue IRN born on February 25th, 2014
My conure Avery flew away, but not very far. When I did find her 40 minutes later, she was in a tree on a branch about 10 feet off the ground. As soon as she saw me she was happy I was near and started preening. I didn't bribe her with food or anything, I just simply climbed the tree, grabbed her around the neck from behind, and jumped down.

Avery is flight recall trained, though poorly, and she's also trained to allow me to grab her around the neck. I was also terrified she'd just fly off when I approached.

The main reason they do is because of fear. They're prey animals. If they've never learned how to come down from a higher place, chances are they won't when they fly away, or they'll fly away when approached. He was probably more frightened than anything, and wasn't sure what to do in his new surroundings.

I'm terribly sorry that this happened though, and I do hope you find him. Don't give up hope!


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Oct 24, 2011
Hahn's macaw, RIP George, Jenday Conure
If you've never trained your bird to fly to you, the stress of being outdoors and surrounded by noises and new things, will make them coming down that much harder.

Put up signs and use a pre recorded conure call to use around the neighborhood. He will get hungry and thirsty.


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Jun 3, 2013
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
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You have to remember that birds don't see what we see. They live their lives in cages, indoors and have NO conception of what your house or even you look like from above. Once they're out in the great Outdoors, it's almost impossible for them to orient themselves to know where they are. The only hope you might have is that they could see or hear you and try to come to you. As other posters have said, though, birds are naturally inclined to fly upward and to look outward, not down. This is why it's so important to call and call them as loudly as you can.

I'm so sorry your bird flew away, but do keep looking in your local area: it might be that he's not too far away and still hoping you'll find him!


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Thanks for all the great replies.

We never train him to fly down, but he always flew down from the upstars to downstairs. Just yesterday i got a phone call saying my neighbor heard a squaking sound around 2:30..but he told me 4:30 and when we got there we couldn't find him

So there is a possibility he is STILL alive and managing to find food or water, not exactly sure.

Me and my gf both have full time jobs so finding him is tough, even if he is looking for us we could be away; it's all about luck.

I guess Saturday will be the best day if he is still alive or in the area.

Thanks for all the ideas


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Feb 5, 2014
Chicago, IL
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I would alert all the neighbors and post flyers with his pictures in the neighborhood. Somebody might be able to catch him.


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Jun 16, 2014
springfield Illinois
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I retrieved a umbrella too by leaving his cage open out on the front porch.They find shelter at dusk & the cage is familiar. It only worked once but worth a try.

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