Update on mango


Aug 20, 2023
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For those of you who don't know, mango was a baby lorikeet that we found at around ten weeks old. We found him being attacked by crows and all his flight feathers and tail feathers had been pulled out by the crows. We brought him home and built him a large playstand where he slept. During the day he played outside in the bushes and small trees in our garden. Then every night just after sunset he would come and chatter until we have him his food and sweet up his playstand for him to sleep on. Then one day he flew away off the tree and into the neighbours garden. We went over and eventually we got him back, thinking that he might not be strong enough to fend off crows yet but the next morning he flew away and this time we didn't get him back. We still see him in th garden with his friends but he doesn't come to us anymore. Sometimes we call to him and he answers and we can back and he answers again. This can go on for a while, so he hasn't forgotten about us, but he's living his life as a while but like he was always meant to. I am happy for him. Happy that he doesn't have to spend his life in a cage. Inserted he gets to fly free with his friends.
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I know it’s sad to let a wild bird go after they’ve become your friend, but Mango is so lucky to have had you help him to grow strong and return to his natural habitat. Good job letting him go and be wild like he is supposed to be. It’s wonderful that you still get to see him. Good job Mango! ❤️
I know it's probably bittersweet for you, but it's so great that you were able to save him and that he can now live free the way he was meant to. You did a great job taking care of him, and I'm sure he's grateful to you for saving his life.

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