Outsmarted by the bird.


Dec 6, 2018
Northern Wisconsin
Sun Conure
So I'm sitting eating breakfast (banana bread) and mango is begging for scritches. I oblige her, and give her a tiny piece of bread. She loves it of course, and then starts begging for more of my breakfast. She reaches down to grab a piece off of my plate, to which I say, "No!" She looks disappointed, and then looks up to stare at the ceiling. Sometime she sees bugs and spiders up there, so I look up to see what she's looking at, except there is nothing there. When I look back down, she has a mouth full of banana bread. Mango, 1. Human, 0.

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Ha, ha....go Mango :).
there is a reason conures are regarded as the clowns of the parrot world, they can be the best actors.
LOL. Adorable.
LOL Oh yes that sounds very familiar.
Hilarious. As soon as I saw the thread "outsmarted by the bird" I KNEW it had to be about a sunnie!

NEVER, EVER underestimate the intelligence OR determination of a sunnie. They make look totally innocent, but I tell ya, there's ALWAYS something mischievous going on inside that brain of theirs.

We've all seen parrots perform tricks and do things they are trained to do. Great to see, but its nothing compared to the 'unplanned, untaught little gimmicks they come up with. They do things that even we couldn't make up! lol
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At first it just made me laugh, and the more I thought about it the more I realized the amount of intelligence that one little trick took. It's just amazing.

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I like your attitude! You're bested and you know it Can't beat 'em, so join 'em and smile!
It is amazing, Skittles has outsmarted me on numerous occasions. Its the determination that drives them. Its the tricks that they teach themselves that are not only amazing, but most the most rewarding (even if it is 'mischievous').

The good thing is, it can also work in your favor. If you act just as determined and remain persistent, then behavioral training can be rewarding as well and just as successful. While I didn't teach him, Skittles is potty trained. He was trained by the pet store clerk at the local pet store I got him at. Its made having him free-flighted so much easier. He and I also have an amazing communication system. He knows just what to do when certain things need addressing which really keeps his screeching to a minimum.

Here are just a few things he does: When he wants a bath, he will fly onto the kitchen faucet. He'll ruffle his feathers and sneeze. That means he wants a bath. Not only that, but he does his 'three bears' routine. I try my best to get the water temp just right, but he'll put his foot in and if its too warm he will take it back out and just look at me. If its too cold, he'll ruffle his feathers. When its just right, he goes right in. If he wants juice he flies onto the top of the fridge and screeches (not screams). If his food dish is empty, he'll grab it with his beak and smack it up and down. Or, he'll fly over to his food bag or treat bag and screech (not scream). I even color trained him to not chew on my 'non-white' shirts. The thing with that is, he outsmarted me on the color training too. You see, he can tell which food bag is which. Even though they are the same exact style bag, one has a red label in front, the other a purple. He knows which is which, and even if I try to be sneaky, he'll figure it out. The pellets are the same size too.
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I am constantly amazed by how intelligent our animal companions really are. Last night I was busted by the dog! I put her to bed in her crate and close the door however I forgot to latch it. 15 minutes later I went back upstairs and she was sitting up in her bed looking all disgruntled and I couldn’t figure out why. She walked up to the door and used her nose to push it open! She didn’t try to get out or run around, she was just upset that I had forgotten one step in the whole bedtime routine! I really do think sometimes that animals are much more intelligent than we are and they only put up with us because we have thumbs and it’s easier for us to get into their food bags!
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Yeah, we also have a border collie who is way too smart for her own good. She has learned how to collapse wire kennels from the inside, turn door handles and open doors, and open doors and cabinets to get to the garbage or other food.

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