Paranoid parrot owner. Strange occasional noise.


May 22, 2019
Cambridgeshire, UK
Quaker Parrot,
Congo African Grey
Hi all, I am both new to the forum and a new parrot owner.

I got my Quaker parrot, Yoshi, in February of this year, he hatched in sept 2018 so is around 8 months old. Previous to this I had a cockatiel for about two weeks before he died, as the "breeder" I got him from sold me a sick bird, claiming he was scruffy because he was young (I didn't know better unfortunately).

Because of this experience I have become a pretty paranoid pet owner. I have an anxiety disorder anyway, and wanted a Bird to help relieve some of that (which Yoshi definitely helps with), but because of this I find myself worrying a lot about everything he does. I spend a lot of time reading and researching on Quakers so I feel that I am pretty clued up on things.

I'm after some advice, from some more experienced owners.

Since I've had Yoshi I have felt that he is slightly underweight. He (sex currently unknown) weighed around 82g when I got him, and is up to 88g now. I read that around 100g and up is normal for a Quaker, so this concerns me. He eats really well, a mainly pellet diet with seeds and fruit and veggies to supplement.

Occasionally, when moving or being held or flapping his wings (he is clipped) his body makes a popping sound. kind of like bones cracking. It seems to happen very randomly sometime will happen sometimes wont, I cant tell where it is coming from, his breathing sounds perfect and research wont give me a possible answer. Any clues?

He generally seems very healthy and active and responds to training well. So, I believe him to be happy. he has picked up a few tricks rather quickly, including "wave" and "turn around". No talking yet, I try to encourage it but nothing yet.

Any advice or tips would be very much appreciated, I am enjoying my bird very very much, and just to make his life as good as I can make it.



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Hello to you and your Quaker!

I hope you did not get your new guy from the 'breeder' you got your cockatiel from. Very sorry you had to go through that.

Have you brought your new Quaker to a vet to be checked out, preferably a certified abian vet? They will be the only ones that will know for sure if your new bird is healthy, they will be able to give a physical and run blood tests to ensure he is healthy as should be. Always a must when acquiring a new bird and to make sure they aren't sick!

Does the 'popping' noise happen when your Quaker does something specific, like climbing?

I am not experienced with Quakers but one of my cockatiel has the same 'popping' sound in his body randomly when he moves or climbs but when it happens I can hear it pop. It's not all the time but sometimes. I've never had this issue checked out by the vet because it happens so randomly but I try to ensure my guy has a varied diet, has plenty of ways to climb around his cage, is well exercised by flying around the living room and generally just try to make sure his life is easy and healthy.

If you want to get the popping checked out definitely go to the vet. It can be expensive but that's part of the commitment you agree to when you take in one of these guys. Plus getting a vet check can definitely ease some of your worries.

Parrot ownership is sort of like having kids....we all worry that something bad is happening or they are sick. At some point you need to realize there are things beyond your control and just do the best you can.
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Hello to you and your Quaker!

I hope you did not get your new guy from the 'breeder' you got your cockatiel from. Very sorry you had to go through that.

Have you brought your new Quaker to a vet to be checked out, preferably a certified abian vet? They will be the only ones that will know for sure if your new bird is healthy, they will be able to give a physical and run blood tests to ensure he is healthy as should be. Always a must when acquiring a new bird and to make sure they aren't sick!

Does the 'popping' noise happen when your Quaker does something specific, like climbing?

I am not experienced with Quakers but one of my cockatiel has the same 'popping' sound in his body randomly when he moves or climbs but when it happens I can hear it pop. It's not all the time but sometimes. I've never had this issue checked out by the vet because it happens so randomly but I try to ensure my guy has a varied diet, has plenty of ways to climb around his cage, is well exercised by flying around the living room and generally just try to make sure his life is easy and healthy.

If you want to get the popping checked out definitely go to the vet. It can be expensive but that's part of the commitment you agree to when you take in one of these guys. Plus getting a vet check can definitely ease some of your worries.

Parrot ownership is sort of like having kids....we all worry that something bad is happening or they are sick. At some point you need to realize there are things beyond your control and just do the best you can.

Thanks for the kind words, no I got him from a different well reputed breeder.

I haven't been to a vet yet, though I have spoken to my local vet that has an avian specialist, but she has been unwell recently so haven't had a chance to get booked in as of yet.

The popping sounds exactly like your cockatiel, very random and usually when moving around. I have done the same regarding measures to keep him active, big cage with lots of climbing room and toys, he is clipped at the moment so cant fly yet, but I am letting his feathers grow in, and will start to encourage flight.

This makes me feel much happier about everything thanks.
Welcome MTG.

I'm glad that itzjbean has reassured you well. Itzjbean is very correct in that being parrot owners is just like having children around! These little darlings mentally stay around the age of a 3-4yo child FOREVER! :) A very sweet thing, but always keeping us parronts on our toes ensuring that the fid kids do not engage in mischief.:D
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I took Yoshi to the vet for a health check with my local avian specialist, and she says he is a very healthy young bird. The popping is likely just joints cracking similar to us humans. She also said he is a perfect weight for his size (currently sitting at around 90g), taking into account that he is fairly new to flying and the muscles will fill in a bit more yet.

Thanks all again :)
Happy! Beautiful Quaker in your picture! When one of my Quaker poops she makes poop sounds lol , but I don't have any sounds like you mention. They do purr which could kinda sounds crackling . One of my birds is 94 grams the other is 98 .. they are healthy. Quakers used to be larger, 25 years ago when I met one he was 125 grams.. so I'm just kinda wondering if they are over all smaller than they used to be??? Hmm..
And your bird seems to be a color mutation? A lighter green.
Anyway glad you got a healthy vet visit! I can tell you I'm a big worrier too ;)
Your doing great w/you quaker. Keeping track of weight is a good indicator of any health issues (we keep a log of Salty's weight) so if he drops 5-10 grams you will know right away. For fun, give your guy a handful of popsicle sticks - he will amaze you. Quajers are natural born builders. Welcome aboard!
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Gordon does a grunt that sounds like a pop. Could Yoshi be grunting?

I don't think so. Really sounds like a cracking joint. The vet said its nothing to worry about. Just the same as human joints cracking.

Thanks all for the nice words.
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And your bird seems to be a color mutation? A lighter green.
Anyway glad you got a healthy vet visit! I can tell you I'm a big worrier too ;)
Yes! He is. The breeder said he's a "Cinnamon aqua blue" the aqua being the green part.

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