Pepper passed away


Well-known member
2x Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 2, 2021
Vermont, USA
Stormy(M): blue Australian budgie
Picasso(F): green Australian budgie
Apollo(F): sky blue dominant pied Australian budgie
In some sort of accident involving the fish tank. I’m so stupid I never should have gone on vacation but now I did and he’s dead. It’s so pathetic, I can’t even cry even though I’m sad. He didn’t deserve this.
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And that post makes me sound like I don’t even care, when I do. I can’t think, eat, sleep, anything. I just… loved him so much, and he 100% didn’t deserve it.
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Oh no!

Your post does not at all make it sound like you don't care ❤️

I'm so so sorry, Stormy 💔 You give so much love to all your animals and I know Pepper loved you.
I know, but I wish he had passed naturally. Apparently it was a traumatic accident involving the fish tank. I honestly don’t even know if I’ll be able to keep it. It’ll just be a constant reminder of what happened.
I know, but I wish he had passed naturally. Apparently it was a traumatic accident involving the fish tank. I honestly don’t even know if I’ll be able to keep it. It’ll just be a constant reminder of what happened.
That's just awful, especially when you weren't there. I wouldn't blame you one bit for not keeping it.
Oh Stormy, I'm so sorry this terrible thing has happened to Pepper and to you :( Accidents like this are just so hard to bear - I lost count of the number of times I almost sat on my poor little Lilly, she just moved so fast and so often managed to get herself in harm's way! I know it's hard, but please try not to blame yourself, Pepper knew how much you loved him and that you would never intend such a fate for him. I'm so sorry for your loss, Stormy 💔
Oh no. I’m so sorry for the loss of Pepper. Please don’t beat yourself up too much. It’s very clear to everyone here how much you love your birds. Tragic accidents happen, and if you weren’t there it can hardly be your fault.

When we lost our Cricket I was devastated and blamed myself also. I decided after beating myself up extensively for over a month that the best way I could honor his memory would be to do my best to learn from what happened and prevent it from happening in the future. If you feel that rehoming your fish tank would be the best way to do that that’s totally okay.

I again am so sorry for your loss. Feel free to talk it out as much as you need to, we are here for you.
So sorry. Please let me say something I always try to say during bereavement... your darling passed while loved and treasured, and that is a gift into Eternity. I wish you comfort. Thank you for being brave enough to share.
I am really sorry to hear about Pepper. I hope that you are okay. Accidents truly do happen. Know that we are all here for you if you need to talk.

Pepper was a beautiful budgie, and anyone can see through his photos that he was loved. This could of happened to any of us. Birds are so fragile :(
I am so sorry dear Pepper has passed... it's never easy. It's hard when you keep on thinking about what you could have done differently.

Sending hugs and thinking about you in this hard time.
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Thanks guys. I’m still getting over the shock of it, but you guys are amazing, thanks for all the condolences❤️
What happened at the last wasn’t your fault.

The part of the story you own is the part full of love, and caring attention, and love. The main part.

Now you have a more difficult part, which is putting one foot in front of the other without your friend. This takes courage and strength and a kind of trust that the world will keep holding together. It also takes love, lots of love: love for your own self, for that kind person who is suffering so much right now. Pepper loved you, and was not wrong in sensing the goodness in you. In his honor…in tribute to his life…you must now do the same. Give yourself all the love and gratitude you can, and know that some of us are adding our own warm affection to that store. Life is long, and there are many hearts that you will touch that you haven’t even met yet. You are going to need a full tank of love. Thank you for doing so much for him, and for sharing his story with all of us. It added love to my own tank.
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So turns out I have ANOTHER week-long vacation starting this weekend. I have no clue how I can trust anyone after this, I feel like leaving my birds alone with anyone other than me is a death sentence.
Oh Stormy, I am so sorry for your loss of Pepper. It was not in any way your fault, please try to take it easy on yourself. You take wonderful care of your flock, and it is obvious in your every post how much they are loved.
Sending you hugs of comfort, my Friend.
Pepper, fly free Beautiful Boy. You will always be loved and remembered.

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