Pepsi' Dance


Super Moderator
Jan 12, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Popsicle the Senegal Parrot &
Pepsi the Mealy Amazon
Hope this works not really a clue what I'm doing with posting a video. But hopefully you will see Pepsi doing her little dance.

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works a treat Tracy,

My doesn't she looked wonderful and so very happy you can almost see the smile on her face. That is a brilliant dance. What a wonderful way to put a smile on your face first thing in the morning. :07: How is she doing with coming on your hand now.
I think that Tracy may have created a monster ... she finally got Pepsi OUT of the cage, now can she get Pepsi back INTO the cage ... :D

Seriously, though, it is so cool to see all of your hard work paying off Tracy ... Pepsi must trust you enough that she is on the floor ... and must be having enough fun to want to dance ... GREAT WORK!!
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She loves to do that dance so I managed to get a video yesterday. She now enjoys coming out of her cage but getting her back in she doesn't enjoy. We have to still catch her with a towel, but she is getting better with that as well.

Still working up to Steping up on my hand. When she is out of the cage she lets me touch her tail and wings but still doesn't understand about stepping up. next time she is out I will catch her with the towel and lay her on my lap to see how she reacts.

I will keep everyone updated on my little dancing monster!!! :D
As soon as I started the video Zeus must have caught it out of the corner of her eye or something, but she ran across the couch and started bobbing her head. As soon as it ended she started talking as if to say put it back on. I didnt think they could see things on a tv or screen. I started it again and shes bouncing around again. she seems to like pepsi.

As for how she is coming a long, just keep up with the love. when we first got zeus she would not even let you get near her, even trying to change out her food and water was a chore. but now she will just off her cage to be with you. she trys to come with me eveytime i leave, as i put my shoes on she jumps down and climbs my shirt. Just be patient and pepsi will come around
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Yeah Pepsi has a little friend and she doesn't even know it!!! :D Hopefully when she learns to step up we can show her Zeus!!! She wasn't too bad when we brought her home she could be hand fed but that was it. Now she comes out of her cage on her own, you can touch her when she is out of her cage (except the feet) I know we've come along way, just hard to see it when your around every day. She will always continue to get more love then she knows what to do with!!!

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