Poppy´s diary


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Costa del Sol, Andalucía, Spain
Poppy - Crimson Bellied Conure
Hi everyone, as most of you will know I am a proud owner of baby Poppy the crimson bellied conure. She was born on the 30th of January in Málaga.



I have started to try and get her to stop taking the NutriBird formula feed so i´ve cut it from 4 times a day gradually to 3 and now to 2 times per day but she still seems to want it when she see´s me feeding a baby blackbird that we rescued.

Last week my partner and I bought the most expensive pellets we could find as we want the best for her. We bought the ZuPreem fruitblend which cost €20 a bag. She doesn´t like them, literally turning her head away it is quite comical but we tried, she won´t even try.

The following few days we purchased another brand name a bit cheaper called Psittacus she reacted the same with that.

The only pellets she likes is the brown ones from NutriBird. At last! She is actually liking them and eating them hard. She doesn´t like them soft.

Only thing we need to do now is completely wean her off of the formula, will she gradually get tired of it?

Poppy likes bananas, but her favourite is apples though shes not too keen on other fruit though we did a smoothie for her with oranges, apples, strawberries and bananas and she loved it ;)

Will have more updates throughout the week, thanks for checking our her diary.

P.S She loves her cosy hut :D She will chirp away to herself at night and never poops in it.

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Friday 19 April 2013

I have noticed that Poppy cannot be content in her cage, she will do everything to bite the cage trying to open the door and these strange acrobatic moves like clinging to the side of the cage and flipping inside out so her back is facing me, she does this for hours on end. I am concerned because its not normal but she has spent a lot of time out of her cage when I´ve been off for the last week sick. The only time she goes in her cage is at night to sleep, every other time its an effort to get her to go in. It is not like shes bored, she has plenty of toys, I think she just hates being in the cage.
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Poppy at almost 3 months old. She is now eating the NutriBird P15 original pellets, she will not eat anything else. She has fruit every day and veg throughout the week :)

NutriBird P15 original


cereals, seeds (min 10% groundnut kernels), fruit (min 5% fresh fruit), vegetable protein extracts, derivatives of vegetable origin, sugars, minerals, L-lysine, methionine, extr. yucca schidigera, fructo-oligosaccharides, vitamins, trace elements
Nutritional values:
crude protein 15%
crude fat 16%
crude ash 4.5%
crude fibre 3.5%
calcium 0.9%
phosphorus 0.6%
methionine 0.33%
lysine 0.8%
sodium 0.2%
magnesium 0.15%
vitamin A 12,000 IU/kg
vitamin D3 1,200 IU/kg
vitamin E 30mg/kg
vitamin K 1.2mg/kg
vitamin B1 1.5mg/kg
vitamin B2 8mg/kg
vitamin B3 12.5mg/kg
vitamin B6 3mg/kg
vitamin B12 20ug/kg
vitamin C 25mg/kg
vitamin PP 32mg/kg
folic acid 0.4mg/kg
biotin 200ug/kg
choline 550mg/kg
threonine 0.5%
tryptophan 0.15%
iron 30mg/kg
copper 14mg/kg
manganese 85mg/kg
zinc 100mg/kg

We are currently now in the process of cleaning out a bigger (conure) cage for her to transfer this evening as her current cage was only temporal and not exactly ideal for her.
Sounds like Poppy is coming right along with properly training you: "...bought the most expensive pellets...," "...we purchased another brand name...,"... now in the process of cleaning out a bigger (conure) cage..."

Members on your side of the big pond will be better able to decipher your package contents & ingredients.....manufacturers around here enjoy that we have to scratch our heads, listing oat groats, distillers dried grains, processed grain by byproducts, copper amino acid complex, to name a few of the exemplary cuisines packaged for companion parrot dining over here on our side.....

While most parrots are clowns and acrobats to some extent, but conures are more so than some others. The cage biting may well be her strengthening her jaw muscles for those times when her slave humans are neglectful or otherwise displease her and require some additional encouragement.....since she's just 3 months old, I would just chalk it off to a child testing his world.....mine, including a 28 year old MBC, would beak their cages from time to time.....

Since you are keeping a diary on her, are you also keeping notations on her daily/weekly weights? I realize that can be a very touchy subject around females, but with birds, it can be a first indication that something might be wrong with a bird.....nominal weights for a CBC run 75-95 grams, however smaller or larger bodied birds may fluctuate either side of those figures.....weighing at the same time each weighing is a good idea & if weighing is in the early morning, it's best after the bird's morning presentation...looks better on the scale...for the girls, that is.....

One other thing, if Poppy gets interested in the stitching or design of her cosy hut, be very watchful, as some birds have pulled the stitching loose and gotten it wrapped around their legs, wings and necks.....my birds have never tried to become designers, but it is worth keeping in the back of your mind.....

Yes, I would say Poppy should be proud, the way she's already got you & your fiance properly stepping to.....congrats.....
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We just want the best for her :) First time conure owners and a really big learning curve at the same time. The NutriBird pellets seem to get a good rating on sites i´ve looked at and seem to be nutritionally balanced from what i´ve seen on their site? Also I bought her the ZuPreem (American) fruit pellets and she doesn´t like them.

I just made her a mash with potato, carrot, peppers, pasta and a whole egg (inc shell).

I don´t have any scales :(

A helping hand

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Poppy has transitioned really well from her formula to eating pellets and fresh fruit and veg. She will only eat 1 ml of the formula now in 1 day and not showing much interest at all which is great!

She loves water, absolutely goes crazy for running water and loves to bathe. I´m sure she´d love to every day if she had the chance, I normally let her twice a week because she loves it plus its in the high 70s here so there is no fear of her catching a chill.

Now the only thing we need to focus on is training her for the aviator harness and give her the proper cage she deserves once our aviary is completed for the cockatiels (breed soon)..;)

She is a little character, full of fun and energy and really loving. I have absolutely fallen in love with the pyrrhuras, would love to get a pineapple GCC in the future too, once the house is built. :)

Poppy after her bath this evening


She loves to weet woo and tries her best to say "hello". :D
i just love poppy!!!
Poppy is truly beautiful. I am taken by the coloration.
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Poppy is absolutely loving in here at the villa, she is really settled and chilled out. She is also eating a great variety of fruit and veg. We received her harness and will be training her shortly.

Stay tuned ;)


Still in her temporary cage for the moment until the aviary is finished and she will have the cage that we had originally planned to use which is for conures.

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Poppy is turning into a right little character she is now chewing a lot especially her ladders, toys. She loves to lie on her back and sleep in your hand and if she gets the chance shower with you which is hilarious.

Poppy is beautiful!
Poppy is turning into a right little character she is now chewing a lot especially her ladders, toys. She loves to lie on her back and sleep in your hand and if she gets the chance shower with you which is hilarious.


I'm melting here!!!! It doesn't get any more precious than this!!! :D
POPPY! I'm so glad to see Poppy! Good to see she's doing well.

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