Question about a fourth bird


New member
Apr 27, 2015
I know I want a fourth bird. I had my Jardine go last week. That still hurts me.
Slowly I am going to look at what kind of bird. And *please don't hit me*, I am seriously considering a Galah. But on the 2nd place is again a Jardine.
Maybe it is better to say something about my life.

I am 22 and living together with my mom, dad and sister in the Netherlands. I have the 3 birds, and we have a cat, and a little poodle doggie.

Right now I am doing homeschooling, to become a licensed child care provider. So I am home a lot.

With one of my Senegals , Sjors, I do volunteer work in a psychiatric hospital, and the plan is that the Meyers, will soon follow. If that little bugger decide to grow a little bit more. He is 9 weeks, so he is to young.
And yes , if the other bird has that outgoing personality, he is going to go also.
I know that especially Galahs, needs a lot of attention. And the noise. It is going to be bad.
But I also know that you just have to go with the flow with a Galah. Just bring him in, and don't let him out all the time. Let him/her entertain herself.
Am I right about that?
Oh and step up, means step up, not a 'okay, after this head scratch you may step up'

The most IDEAL situation is that the Meyer and another possible bird are going to share a cage. I know it probably isn't possible. But I want to know your thoughts about that.

There aren't that many questions in this thread. Maybe I just want to know your thoughts about it, and maybe you ask questions what I didn't thought about.

I am sorry about my sucky English, it is time for me to go to sleep. :D
RB2s are not like the white Toos at all. They do need to learn to like their toys so they know how to keep themselves entertained. Their not that loud ,they make a war cry when attacking their toys . Their a pain with their food [but that's all Toos] . They throw everything out of their bowls ,can be picky . They do best on a schedule that you can keep up with. Ive had 5 Toos and what works well is that schedule . So they are not all stressed out wondering when their going to have out time with you. This makes them a more confident content bird. They do want your attention ,you will love their puffed up pink cheeks :) My Rb2 is one of the easier in my flock of 22.
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I am so sorry for my belated answer!
But thank you for replying!
What you described about a RB2, pretty much summed one of my Senegals up. I know I want one now.
Are they in general nice to other birds?
No , Id say they are bratty . But Owens does well flying to other cages and becoming friends through the bars :)
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Even bratty when they grow up together?
Can you better have a female or a male?
I am sorry for all those questions, but I am curious!
Thank you!
Males can talk well [and are quite full of it :)]. Females [as long as not hormonal]. More laid back than how my male is.Maybe they would be fine [but would have to strart out together very young}.
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You are awesome! Thank you!
I think I want a male.
I have a female Senegal here. (Well I think she is is a female . ) And she is like on permanent PMS. And if you look at my DNA tested male, he is relaxed,.
Of course they are 'just' Senegals and RB2's are quite different. But still.
3 girls with PMS in the household (with the female people) is a little bit much

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