Rescue Bird/Adoption Centres


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Sep 7, 2006
There are many birds wanting and indeed deserving a new and loving forever home. Have you ever thought of Adopting.

Not everyone has the time or could in fact do this. It is very hard work, takes a lot of time, patience and love. Each Bird comes with its own very different baggage and you need to be absolutely sure that you are able to handle this.

It can be very hard work
It can be very heartbreaking
Chances are you will be bitten
The bird will NOT trust you


The hard work is very rewarding
The heartbreak will soon turn to admiration
You will recover from a bite, (and even a handtame bird with no baggage can bite)
The bird will learn to trust you and LOVE you.

If you are thinking of adopting then please think very carefully, talk to your local rescue centre and make sure you are the right person to take this on. Theres no shame is saying "I can't do this". You can always join our family here who are not experts but we are bird lovers, and some of us have rescue birds, so why not join up and talk to us BEFORE adopting. :D
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For all us UK residents a rescue centre specialising in birds is Birdline,

They do some marvellous work and are always looking for foster homes.
For everyone in Michigan, here's a shelter to check out:

It's a big time commitment to adopt from there, but so is owning a bird in general so I think it works out nicely.

Also the website is a little hard to navigate, but you'll get the idea anyway.
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If anyone else knows of any rescue centres in their area please put the site on here.
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Meghan originally posted this site in another thread, but after having a quick look through thought it should be here.

It has a lot of rules and regulations, but if you want a bird badly you will gladly meet all of the rules without question.

Thanks Meghan.
Feathered Friends Forever is the largest Parrot/Companion Bird rescue in the US, and is located in Harlem, GA (about 20 miles from Augusta, where they play the Masters). They have over 600 resident birds, and are a military deployment facility to keep birds while their owners are serving overseas, as well as a Hurricane Evacuation Route parrot shelter. If you have time, take a look at the page for more information:

Thanks, in advance, for your time.
I'm all for adopting a bird needing a home, but by the time you meet the requirements of some of the agencies your past the cost of a new bird. Class attendance, several trips to meet the bird, home inspections, etc. It gets too cumbersome and turns off those who would otherwise help...
All these are in Canada! I live on the MS Gulf Coast. I can give experienced care to birds and want to help some with a loving home. Does anyone know of a rescue organization here?
Thank you for joining the forum and for taking in needy birds. I do not believe birds can come from USA to Canada without much red tape. Am I correct?
I live in West Virginia I know of two in pennsylvania I have had some contact with both and i got my cherry headed conure from one of them...

Pittsburgh PEAC

I attended a class....Very well worth every bit of it... I drove 2 hours each way for a two hour class BUT I have such a great bird in my life...
I have been researching and seeking to adopt an African Grey. I wanted to home a baby but the breeders I find are not legitimate. I don't know where else to look. I found one in NJ that is 2 years old and supposedly very tame and needs a home. I asked if I could visit a few times before I make a decision ( I am afraid we might not like each other) but the owner is going away for 4 weeks beginning this Thursday and leaving the bird with neighbors. ANy suggestions? I don't want to rush into anything. There are no rescues in my area and I really would like to visit at least a few times before I make up my mind. Help?

I volunteer at a wonderful Exotic Bird Rescue and Sanctuary-The Gabriel Foundation here in Colorado. You can adopt birds from them even if you are not in the state. It's amazing how much love they give to the birds there.
Home - The Gabriel Foundation
Phoenix Landing is a Parrot Rescue Organization that operates an adoption program which covers the Washington D.C. region, Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina; as well as the Greenville/Spartanburg, South Carolina.

Phoenix Landing

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