Rescued Conure - relapse or hormones?


New member
Mar 6, 2015
Central New York
Nephele - Baby CAG | Genevieve & Phaedrus - Green Cheeks | Lucy - Lutino Cockatiel | Ludo, Zero & Anzu - Budgerigars
I rescued my handsome GCC Phaedrus back in late October. He was neglected and used to lunge at everyone and bite rather hard. He still lunges at people who aren't me, sometimes. Though that's been getting much better.

We were making really good progress, culminating in him flying to me and landing on my hand the other week. He was stepping up for me most of the time (It was still very hit-or-miss, depending entirely on if he felt like going somewhere new or not). He was playing with toys and "talking" to me often.

But all of a sudden, it seems as if he's regressed a bit. He won't come out of the cage most days, where he was coming right out every morning when I woke up and let the birds out. When he is out, he's started biting me if I go to ask if he'd like to step up and go to another spot in the room.

Yesterday, he actually chased after and lunged at me from atop their play-top cage (not their living cage). He's much nicer than that today, but still bit me rather hard when I offered my hand for him to step up on.
Right after the bite today, he allowed me to give him a peanut and hold it while he broke open the shell. He also let me pet him and hasn't tried biting again yet, but won't step up. I've decided to give him some time to himself.

He's still very nice to my other birds. His behavior towards them seems no different. He was foraging and playing and eating earlier today before he got upset and bit me. He's currently sulking and falling asleep on top of the cage by himself, while my girls are off playing without him ):

I know he's a mature adult, though I don't know how old he is. Is it possible that his recent attitude is just a result of hormones due to the time of year we're entering? Or is he somehow regressing in his trust of me? Is it normal for rescues to relapse a bit?
This is my first experience with a possibly hormonal GCC (and also my first experience with a rescued parrot), so I just want to make sure it's normal and no cause for alarm.

Something that might be important: I have a juvenile (most likely female) GCC who's just getting ready to reach 1 year old. She does try to regurgitate at both me and Phae, but hasn't shown any other mating behaviors that I've noticed. Phae has always shown mating behavior towards her (tucking her under his wing, intense preening, trying to rub on her, but no regurgitation).
Oh I have exact same thing with my gcc, but he is hormonal for sure! :) And he is NOT nice to my other birds except his bonded fella budgie, so I had to cage him again (he used to be cage free for a long time). In just a few days from being a sweet puppy he turned into a little monster. I feel like he hates me - he always wants to bite me, fluffs up and makes these annoying angry screams. He looks like he is constantly pissed off at everything. He also stopped stepping up and would bite instead, but somehow he allows me to pick him up without biting and still lays on his back in my palm and seems to enjoy that.
I think it's hormonal especially this time of the year. Just hang in there!
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I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong, considering I'm at least the third owner he's had. It's difficult for me to tell what's due to hormones and what's due to his trust level.

Lucky, he's not screaming at me.

Just, the chasing and lunging the other day really worries me. He's never done that to me like that, even when I first brought him home. ):
Conures most definitely have a Jekyll and Hyde attitude when experiencing hormones. I just recently got my cuddly baby back from her bout of hormones. When she was hormonal, she was angry all the time. She'd fluff up and attack me, seek me out to and get mad, refused to step up and would just bite as much as possible, refused to take treats from me, and I most definitely couldn't trust her anywhere near my shoulder or my face. Now she's my fluffy, rub-against-your-face lovey-dovey snuggle bug, and last night she fell asleep in my hands while I read my novel.

It will pass. And they will remember how you treat them. I couldn't even touch Avery during her hormones, and most of our interaction was hands off. I'd take her off her cage with a rope perch or wooden perch, put her on the floor, and just talk to her while she sat on my knee. I'd get her to do tricks, or just simply let her out and leave her be. I actually couldn't even flight recall her because she'd land on my hand and bite it she was so cranky! Now she gets cranky when we don't cuddle enough, haha. This too shall pass :)
Yep...sounds hormonal to me. My Cisco has just gone through it. It will pass and he will be back to normal...although it will seem like it lasts forever!
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I know that hormonal changes don't last forever. I'm sure I can get us all through it okay.
He was a real sweetheart for the rest of the day today. Still wouldn't step up for me, but no hard biting. He grabbed my finger gently and squeezed it, but not hard at all. He was just gently telling me that he didn't want to step up.

So I guess it's not a regression, which would have been my worst fear. It just breaks my heart to imagine what he went through before I found him.

Thank you for your reassurance.
If anyone reading this thinks it may be something other than hormonal, I'd really appreciate hearing from you! Just want my handsome man to be as happy and comfortable as possible.

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