Right side of bird drooping, right eye half closed


Aug 6, 2014
Forgive me if this question or a similar one was asked, but I searched and couldn't find anything specific to my question.

Basically my Kakariki Tiki has been sick for awhile now. He was near death fluffed on bottom of cage a few weeks ago, etc etc (more detail in my previous thread), went to the vet, was diagnosed with pretty bad anemia, then he was hospitalized for 2 days and his prescribed Baytril seemed to help. A few days later he was perching again and was resuming his place on the high corner perch! So I figured okay it's going slow, but still a recovery. He finished his Baytril.

Well I noticed the past few days one eye is half closed. There is no discharge or anything, it's just always half closed and squinty while his other eye is wide open. He's like this all day. I've misted him several times in case it was from a seed or something. Tried this multiple days in a row, no luck.

Additionally his wings began drooping again like how he was initially when he became sick. He's perching lower suddenly, and is back to hanging out either on his food bowl or water bowl all night.

Today I noticed even more closely that his right side looks messed up, but his left side looks fine. On his right side his eye is half closed (as I noticed a few days ago) and it looks a little swollen, his feathers are fluffed around his neck (only on that side) and suddenly his right wing is trembling slightly. I figure okay maybe he fell and hurt his wing. But is it coincidence that all these signs and symptoms are only on one side of his body? Drooping, trembling wing. Swollen half closed eye. Is he paralyzed or something??

I've spent $500 in vet bills already. I know I need to bring him back tomorrow if he still is trembling in the morning. I just don't know what to do. I'm scared of losing the greatest bird I've ever owned, but now I have no hope. He was doing well and now he seems worse than before. I feel like he's doomed and I'm spending all this money and he's going to die. It's really hard to pay these bills and I'm scared of what a third visit may bring cost wise. I need advice, comments, anything. What does this sound like, do you think it can be treated, etc.

I don't know if it's related to his anemia (which we still don't know what caused that either).

He's eating but he's picky even with all the variety I give him. And he drinks water. That's all.

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New member
Aug 9, 2014
Ripley WV
Solomon Island Eclectus
I'm so sorry for your baby and you. How old is he? From what you described, it almost sounds like a stroke?? I wonder what his blood work would have shown his cholesterol levels?
I will keep you both in my prayers. Remember to stay strong for him as well.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
Hahn's macaw, RIP George, Jenday Conure
Anemia is a symptom. If the root cause isn't diagnosed then it will likely repeat.

Blood levels can drop from:
Low reproduction levels of new cells

Since the vet tell didn't tell you why, it's a guessing game.
birds don't have a lot of blood cells anyway, so it doesn't take much to upset their balance.

You may be able to haggle the vet down on future prices.
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Jul 6, 2009
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So sorry to hear about Tiki

You mentioned that his right eye is half closed and looked a little swollen !!!

I am no expert at all just taking a wild guess here, it could be be an impact injury. Tiki may have perhaps bumped his eye on something.

Does he seem disoriented at all? If disorientated this could be a mild concussion.

Kiwi is in my prayers !!!!


Aug 6, 2014
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Thank you guys so much I was thinking the same thing, maybe a stroke. But he's only just over a year old I feel so bad he was getting better a little and now this. I'm really scared. I will take him back to the vet today.


Aug 6, 2014
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So I am back from the vet. She felt his wing and said it doesn't seem to be fractured but he's definitely in pain. He also has many new pointy feathers coming in there, and all over. (His tail has crazy quills). Kakarikis have heavy molts, so I've heard and read. As for his eye, it's weird it's on the same side as the wing but it could be tiny feathers too, I guess like "eyelashes", but she said his eye seems light sensitive. He got more baytril for the anemia and got a pain killer.

Anyone have experience with birds having a molt that effects them weird in certain places?? I'm hoping it's just a bad molt and nothing more.


New member
Aug 9, 2014
Ripley WV
Solomon Island Eclectus
This is better news! Keep babying him, and let him know to keep fighting! Your doing all you can!


Aug 6, 2014
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Trying my best, he just looks so lifeless. Still kinda hovering along the bottom (I think because of his wing) and it doesn't appear that the medicine has made any significant change... I really don't know what could be wrong, it is a mystery to all and that is the part that stinks about the whole thing :( meh


New member
Aug 9, 2014
Ripley WV
Solomon Island Eclectus
So sorry. Try loading you baby up on green leafy veggies, they are high in iron. Which should help with the anemia. Couldn't they give an iron supplement to get you going in the right direction? :confused:


Aug 6, 2014
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If you don't mind me asking, how is Baytril supposed to help with anemia? Baytril is an antibiotic.

Hey, yea they believe the anemia was caused by a bacterial infection and that is what the antibiotic is for. It definitely is helping, his red eye color is returning and the inside of his mouth is pinker again as opposed to how pale it was. His feet too. But yea anemia can be caused by bacteria or virus or other underlying problems. In his case it was bacteria.

As of right now he is still kinda lethargic and quiet. The biggest concern now is his right side still :( wing is still droopy and eye is still squinty. Sigh. I hope he will get better soon, it's been weeks that he's been sick. My poor buddy


Aug 6, 2014
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So sorry. Try loading you baby up on green leafy veggies, they are high in iron. Which should help with the anemia. Couldn't they give an iron supplement to get you going in the right direction? :confused:

When we initially went in for the anemia he got an iron injection to boost things and then he started the antibiotic for the cause.

Right now the anemia is getting better it's just his drooping right side now :( still hoping it's just an uncomfortable molt.

Does anyone know if birds molt around their eyes? Like where eyelashes on people would be? He's got little spots around his eye and I think it's new feathers. The vet said he didn't have an eye infection he's just sensitive. I wonder if it's just irritation from molting??? What do you guys think?


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What I think is that Tiki maybe needs a new vet... Or at least a second opinion at this point! Good luck, hope he gets the correct diagnosis and treatment for the drooping SOON '


New member
Aug 9, 2014
Ripley WV
Solomon Island Eclectus
Can you post a picture of his eye? They do moult their feathers around the eye, but not sure if that is what you mean.


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Jul 25, 2014
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I'm sorry about Tiki's condition, I hope everything turns out okay.
I also think that he should get a second opinion, it's always good to make sure that they are treating him with the correct things.


Aug 6, 2014
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Can you post a picture of his eye? They do moult their feathers around the eye, but not sure if that is what you mean.

Yes! That's what I wasn't sure of, I was even thinking of making a new thread posting the photos of his eye because I am not sure if that is what's making his eye squinty because he has new tiny feathers coming in (if that's what the dots are). Here are some photos, (pardon his scraggly appearance, he had just jumped in his bath! :p Lol)

image (2).jpg His right eye

image (1).jpg His left eye, which when looking closely I see tiny little eyelash feathers on his eye in the same place the white dots are on his right eye, which makes me think they are tiny little quills coming in just like his new tail feathers and wing feathers coming in

image.jpg Both his eyes and how he is consistently squinting the right one as pictured

Again, pardon his appearance, he is just wet from jumping in his bath, he doesn't normally look like this Lol

ALSO. Thought I should note this. He's been preening his right wing the past couple days. Usually he just scratches his face with his foot or rubs his beak on the cage bars etc., because of what I believe to itchiness from molting. But the drooping right wing he has been preening the feathers so maybe he is breaking up some of the quills? Maybe his molting will be ending soon? I don't know
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New member
Aug 9, 2014
Ripley WV
Solomon Island Eclectus
That looks like little pin feathers. Being that they're all coming in at the same time, may have something to do with his squinting. I am just thinking maybe very discomforting that they all poked through his skin at once around his eye? Can't really see his wing drooping. How is his right foot doing?


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Jun 26, 2013
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Oh im glad that its only a bath! I thought oh my that bird seems very sick! Fwew ok its a good thing that he is still up for a bath! I hope he gets all better!


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Mar 1, 2014
Vancouver, Canada
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I'm sorry to say that doesn't look like a healthy bird to me :( It's been ten days since you posted the original question. In that time, if it had been pin feathers causing the problem, the pins would have come out and broken enough to relieve the pain and the problem would be getting better. I think you definitely need to find another a vet to get tests done on this little fella

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