RIP Lucky: ???? - 2015-10-13


New member
Jun 9, 2012
Lucky was a little lovebird, with a bad foot, that I rescued on June 8, 2012.

Lucky never got over the lethargy that I posted about on 2015-08-30. We took her to the vet three times.

The last time, we left her there from Thursday the 9th, until Monday, the 12th. She was very skinny, and weak, when we got her back. But she started eating veraciously, and acting very happy to be home.

The night of the 13th, we noticed her breathing was laborious. So I held her for some time. I could not get her to eat, or drink, she was much too weak. She died in my hands, just before midnight. I think that was better than dying in the hospital, or alone in her cage. At least she knew she was loved.

She was a fighter until the end.
Aww I'm so sorry for your loss..lucky was lucky to have you..sending you love and feathered hugs.
So sorry to hear of Lucky's passing. I'm sure she knew she was loved.
Deepest Condolences for your loss of Lucky. Im glad she was able to be at home with you, I'm sure she knew how much you loved her.

Fly Free Little One. You will be remembered.
I am so sorry for your loss. I'm so glad that Lucky had you to love her, and be there for her as she passed. My heart goes out to you.
I'm very sorry for your loss. You did everything you could have for Lucky. It's so difficult I know.
Very sorry to hear you lost Lucky. Sounds like her last few years were really wonderful. I'm glad she found you.
I'm so sorry for your loss :( wings high little one! You were loved.
I'm always a big coward when it comes to reading sad messages, but I just know how much you loved your little Lucky. It's so heartbreaking that she had to leave when she had finally found her forever home. My heartfelt condolences for your loss!
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Thank you, everyone, for all the kind words.
Very sorry for your loss of Lucky. She was aptly named and you tried so diligently to heal and save her.

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