She's bothering me with her head


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
We got Venus late Saturday afternoon and she is in quarantine inside my Husband's office. Since she's arrived, if we have her outside of the cage on our hand, she will throw her head back, like it's broken or laid on her neck and remain that way for about 5 seconds. I've been watching this and notice it's only when she's out of her cage, in her cage she doesn't do it, she preens, she's playing with her toys, eats, never throws her head back. This morning I put my Venus clothes on and went in to feed her, my plan, bring her out to feed to spend time together. She is cage aggressive but if she sees a dish, here she comes. She ate warm boiled rice, purple hull peas, yellow pepper and blueberry. I put three tablespoons in her bowl, she ate over half, slowly, taking her time and then she started throwing her head back over and over again. I researched online and tried rubbing her crop while her head was thrown back. She had no issue with this, after that she continued eating. She eats very, very slowly but she eats well.

So the throwing her head back is bugging me because Buddy doesn't do that and I've seen birds throw their heads back to drink or swallow but this isn't the same. As soon as I put her in her cage, no more head throwing back.

The vet is open tomorrow so I will be calling first thing to get her vet check in. She's eating well, drinking well, her poos look great, she's preening, playing with toys, she's chattering a bit. Has anyone experienced this type of behavior?
Can you get her on video?
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We got to see the vet this morning and Miss Venus got a good grade but we are waiting for some testing to come back. He wants to see her again in. 6 months for another check up to see how she's doing. She did her head movements for him and he observed her and he said she's fine. She went to him with no issue but she wasn't happy when he started lifting wings, opening her beak, did the polyp exam and he took her in the back to draw the blood. When she came back she was shaking, poor thing. I put her on my shoulder and she calmed down.

She is amazingly gentle and quiet. She did scream once yesterday and scared Canelo so bad he ran out of the office, lol. I told the vet how I've been using feeding times to build "together" time and bond. I asked if that is ok and he said yes, especially since she is cage aggressive.

I also discovered something with Venus, when I put my hand out and say step up, she will grab my finger. At first I thought she was trying to bite but I finally gritted my teeth waiting for the chomp and what she is doing is grabbing my finger to pull it closer, stabilize herself and step up.
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I finally got a video. I know the vet said she's fine but I'm thinking about inquiring again when the call with results.

[ame=""]Head upside down - YouTube[/ame]
She is such a beautiful girl!

I might be wrong, but to me it looks more behavioural. She might still be a bit weary of her surroundings and somehow this gives her comfort? Giving the room a 360, lol. In the cage she might feel safer at this stage, and therefore does not feel the need to be super aware of her surroundings. Look to see if this behaviour becomes less frequent as she becomes more relaxed when out of the cage?

This is just a guess though, but as you know there are many Ekkie owners on here that will know if this is something they normally do.

If the vet says it is not medical, then it should not be a problem, just something that makes her more special and unique! [emoji12]
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My quaker does that in response to scritches. If i scratch his cheek and move down to his throat area he puts his head back like that. He really likes that spot scratched. Could Venus be inviting a tickle?
She is so beautiful !!!! I don't think theirs anything wrong [nervous ,happy ,checking things out]
It doesn't seem like there is anything wrong with her neck or head when she does this, the first time on tape that she did it she went right into preening.

If I had to guess...some idiot at some point in her life had her in a cage that was lower to the ground, people looking to save money will often use dog crates instead of actual parrot cages and then she would have gotten in the habit of craning her neck up like that to see what was over top of her and now it has become a habit.
I was thinking that she was looking at something above her as well... Was there something like a light fixture that might have caught her attention?
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There is a ceiling fan but not on however when she comes out of her cage she checks out everything. She now comes out and runs up to my shoulder. Today I took my laptop in Husbands office and worked there so she could sit with me and she did. She didn't touch the apple though, but she does like to stick close for now and spin her head.

She is such a sweet bird. buddy knows something is up and he's been a bratty stinker. It's like he's in jail and runs his cup along the bars when I leave the room. Trying to spend equal time in two places is rough but worth it.

Oh and for anyone wondering, especially RavensGryf, the brown spot on the carpet is courtesy of Canelo. He raided the pantry this weekend, got a box of chocolate pudding and ate it there, that is dry, chocolate pudding stain he licked into the carpet. He has been required to sleep in his crate now.
Oh haha!! I didn't even notice the spot while watching the video! That Canelo lol, he had to have known he was being naughty!!

Laura (labell) brought up a good point. It makes sense to me anyway. I'm hoping it's only that. I know how nerve wracking it is waiting for results. Did the people at the bird store say anything about it, that they noticed it too, or was it just since coming home with you?
Does her cage have a playtop? Or is it in any other way covered? My thought is that she doesn't do it in the cage because the "ceiling" is closer. Less to keep tabs on.

So I think it's behavioral, as miloslave suggested. And the fact that she went right back to preening after doing it suggests to me that she's in a more or less relaxed state. Birds that are afraid or uneasy are less likely to start preening. They're in fight or flight mode.
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I noticed it when we got her home. At the store she never did it. She was sitting on a play perch when we walked in and I went to her immediately because I had been researching Eclectus and love the vibrant colors. AND I TOLD HUSBAND SHE WAS A SENEGAL!!!! No wait an Eclectus! I was so excited when I saw her, I don't know why Senegal comes out of my mouth. But I did notice something I didn't like and I told the clerk I didn't like. There was a red macaw that kept trying to get close to me and he kept talking to me. The clerk picked up a dowel perch and told him to step up but the macaw and a military macaw both reacted to the dowel, jumping. The red macaw tried to fly off his perch but hit the ground safely close to me. I bent down and offered the macaw my arm and he stepped up right away but he kept focusing on that dowel, with fear. Even Venus reacted that way. I told the clerk to drop the dowel it was unnecessary, and put the macaw back on his stand. That has been bothering me. I have never held a macaw and I was scared but we did fine. It has bothered me to how they jumped and focused on the dowel. Since I've had Venus home I used the dowel once but not since, I bring a dish with me and she comes willingly so there is no telling what she has been through. She does shiver when I first get her from her cage but she calms down quick. The dish is always full of goodies though, she picks and chooses.

Bottom line I don't know what she's been through but here she will have a good life. I hate thinking about what she could have been through. Yesterday she took a shower willingly, she enjoyed it. Bringing birds in like this could turn into a habit.
Good... Since she hasn't been doing the head thing at the store, and no one there has seen her do it, that would mean to me that it's purely behavioral. Fingers crossed. I'm sure she's fine though :).

That's strange that the bird store employee was afraid to handle birds without a dowel! Get used to it buddy, that's part of your job LOL! It's always good to have everyone stick trained though. Prevents nasty hormonal bites!
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Right???? I've been thinking about what to do. This is unfinished with the pet store. I just haven't decided how to approach it and with who. Tonight I spent at least 30 minutes giving her head scritches. At first she didn't respond but oh boy, she put her head down for me and I gave her scritches for at least 25 mins. She is amazing.
I think it's behavioral too. Her movement reminds me of my Sweet Pea and his obsessive compulsive feet cleaning, or turning his head up and almost all the way around (remember the Exorcist?), or rubbing against his favorite toy bell.

Hopefully now that she has a good home this will eventually stop.
How do baby birds go when they are getting fed? Could she be receptive to a feed, perhaps?

No, I have never had a baby hold their head like that while being hand fed. Eclectus babies don't have much of a feeding response like other parrot babies it's one of the things that makes them a lot more difficult to feed.

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