should I house them together? and questions about unclipped flying dangers.


New member
Aug 19, 2011
I have a sun conure who is best friends with my jenday conure. they are both super bonded to me while still enjoying each others company. i am thinking about housing them together, do you think they will lose intrest in me more quickly if i do?

also all my birds are unclipped, i have a sun, jenday, nanday, ekkie and rainbow lorikeet, lately my lorikeet and nanday have been flying into walls a lot im worried they could get seriously injured. has anyone ever had any problems with birds who are flighted hurting them selves badly?
if uu decide to put them together u might want to watch them carefully because they might get in a fight or one of them might get territorial and attack the other one and yes they will lose interest in u and bond with each other then u
They may or may not lose their pet quality if housed together. I think I would leave them each with their own cage and let them socialize together as they wish.

As for the 2 that are flying into walls, it might be safest to clip them.
They should have their own private space (cage), play and be together during the day it's fine but they must have their own cages at night. In regards the birds flying into the walls.... I would clip them. Clipping it's a personal decision, but it must be made putting the bird's safety first; in your case it looks that clipping is the way to go.
I have a sun conure who is best friends with my jenday conure. they are both super bonded to me while still enjoying each others company. i am thinking about housing them together, do you think they will lose intrest in me more quickly if i do?

also all my birds are unclipped, i have a sun, jenday, nanday, ekkie and rainbow lorikeet, lately my lorikeet and nanday have been flying into walls a lot im worried they could get seriously injured. has anyone ever had any problems with birds who are flighted hurting them selves badly?

Pim, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be housed together if that's what they want. All you can do it try & see how it works out. I really don't think you will loose their companionship at all. You are already part of their flock. If they are 2 males or 2 females their shouldn't be a problem. I had 2 male sun conures that where companions living in the same cage & they were great, although they loved my hubby more than me.

I am wondering why your lorie & nanday fly into walls. Are they chasing each other. If they continue to do this I think i would consider a light wing clip just to take the speed away a bit. If they hit the wall to hard they risk a brain hemorrhage & will most certainly die. Yes i have had a death where a sun conure flew into a window so hard it was dead before it hit the floor.
I have a sun conure who is best friends with my jenday conure. they are both super bonded to me while still enjoying each others company. i am thinking about housing them together, do you think they will lose intrest in me more quickly if i do?

also all my birds are unclipped, i have a sun, jenday, nanday, ekkie and rainbow lorikeet, lately my lorikeet and nanday have been flying into walls a lot im worried they could get seriously injured. has anyone ever had any problems with birds who are flighted hurting them selves badly?

Pim, I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be housed together if that's what they want. All you can do it try & see how it works out. I really don't think you will loose their companionship at all. You are already part of their flock. If they are 2 males or 2 females their shouldn't be a problem. I had 2 male sun conures that where companions living in the same cage & they were great, although they loved my hubby more than me.

I am wondering why your lorie & nanday fly into walls. Are they chasing each other. If they continue to do this I think i would consider a light wing clip just to take the speed away a bit. If they hit the wall to hard they risk a brain hemorrhage & will most certainly die. Yes i have had a death where a sun conure flew into a window so hard it was dead before it hit the floor.

I totally agree with Pedro on getting them clipped lightly!! I also had a Jenday Conure that flew into the window so hard that she Broke her neck! It is totally heartbreaking when something like that happens. I now make sure mine is lightly clipped by a professional :)

I am sorry you lost your Janday in such tragic circumstances. But it's almost impossible for a parrot to break it's own neck. Because a parrots neck is S shaped & is very flexable. However the only way to sever a parrots spinal cord is to pull head & body in opposite directions. Sorry for the graphics. She most likely suffered a bleed to the brain very much like head trauma in an accident victim. It is very rare for compression fractures in neck vertebrae as a result of a parrot flying into an object. They can, and do, however, develop concussions, bleeding inside the brain, fractures, lacerations, ruptured air sacs and other serious, potentially deadly injuries.

I am sorry you lost your Janday in such tragic circumstances. But it's almost impossible for a parrot to break it's own neck. Because a parrots neck is S shaped & is very flexable. However the only way to sever a parrots spinal cord is to pull head & body in opposite directions. Sorry for the graphics. She most likely suffered a bleed to the brain very much like head trauma in an accident victim. It is very rare for compression fractures in neck vertebrae as a result of a parrot flying into an object. They can, and do, however, develop concussions, bleeding inside the brain, fractures, lacerations, ruptured air sacs and other serious, potentially deadly injuries.

Ah Pedro I just presumed as she bounced off the window and died instantly that her neck was broken! I think now like you say she must have suffered a bleed to the brain :( but it certainly is not a nice thing to see, and is something that you never forget :( as you, were probably the same when it happened to your Conure.
ps I forgot to say Pedro, you certainly have a large flock :) Do you have any pics of them all?
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well they are both males...

they have flown in a wall maybe 2-3 times each this week. i really do not want to clip as they LOVE flying and LOVEE having their wings touched, i have heard stories of birds like that getting distressed when they cant fly and hating having their wings touched afterwards...
Max has never had his wings clipped, but while he learned to fly, he would crash into wall and windows... Soon he learned the boundaries of the house, and even though he flies fast, he never flies into anything...

How long have you had your birds? Have they always been flighted?

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