So relieved about my Hahn's macaw's eye


New member
Sep 19, 2017
East coast of USA
I now have a young Hahn's macaw. I used to have a Pacific Parrotlet that lived until almost 15. Before that I had a budgie.
I was so sick yesterday with both a migraine and even monthly cramps that I was unable to do anything or hardly get out of bed. I even had the room fairly dark the whole day. I felt bad for my bird Boy, but what could I do. It was only until about 5:00 pm that I let him out, but was still unable to really play with him.

Bird boy seemed to only just stand on the rope perch on top of his cage. He hardly moved. I guess that seemed strange, but when sick you don't think about it too too much. Then I finally managed to get in the shower, and then finally looked closely at bird boy. His right eye was swollen shut and red. I about had an anxiety attack.

I called hubby to come home slightly early so we could take Bird Boy to the 24/7 animal hospital. We did and it was such a long wait. I guess our bird boy got a feather or something else jammed under his eye lid, which scratched his eye. They flushed it out, numbing his eye and gave us a oral medication to give him and eye drops.

I have the challenge of single-handedly giving him eye drops twice during the day for the next 4 or 5 days. In the morning and evening I hold bird Boy and hubby does it. How am I going to manage by myself with him squirming all around and moving his head?

I have to say that his eye does look slightly better this morning. Less swollen and less red.
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unfortunately you may have to break out the dreaded towel to keep him from wriggling away. If you don't know it yet now is a good time to look up on the vet hold. You may be able to get it down with his feet on a floor perch
The vet taught me to towel a bird for injections. You have to be careful not to wrap them too tightly, never compress the torso or they can suffocate. He used a technique where the last few wraps were the twisted end of the towel around the head and neck, like a collar to keep him from reaching and biting. I think I remember a good video...

[ame=""]Bird Care Galah Percy Clenched Foot #2 Restraint & Calming for Exam & Physiotherapy 060810 - YouTube[/ame]
Poor baby!! So happy you got him checked out and on his way to being better! ❤️

Yes, unfortunately that towel will have to come out [emoji33]

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Thanks, everyone! So I got him in the towel and managed to get him to hold his head still for a second. I think I managed to get the drop in the eye. I've got to do this one more time today by myself. Hubby will help before birdy bedtime. I'm sure I'll get used to it soon.

I was sure to play with him for a while before I gave him the eye drop. I didn't want to seem like I was taking him out of the cage just to medicate him.

His last dose of the eye drop is the day before we leave for a trip. Bird boy will be staying with my brother. I'm sure bird boy's eye will be fine by then. I'll leave bro the address of the animal hospital just in case.
I'm happy it all worked out!
good to hear things went okay. It's never nice but you know it's for his benefit, think small child not wanting their medicine.

Maybe try making a game out of playing with the towel? May make toweling easier in future. even use it after he has a bath to dab him dry a bit?
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My bird boy's eye is looking so much better. It's almost back to normal, but he hates when we towel him and give him the eye drops. He particularly seems to have subsequently grown wary of me.
I would reserve his fav treat to give after a toweling session. Allways end on one upbeat or happy thing. I am glad he is responding so quickly and well.

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