Some basic questions


New member
Sep 13, 2015
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Congo African Gray April 2015
Hello, I am new to the forum and have my first bird. Louise was fledged?/hatched in April 2015 and I got her in July. I got her from a rescue kinda on impulse. I had planned on getting a toucanette and had been researching for about a year thinking it would be a good fit for my lifestyle. I had not planned on a CAG knowing how smart they are and their need for lots of time and training. My friend has 4 birds (b/g macaw, Quaker, severe macaw, and a gray she rescued before he was weaned). I helped raise her gray so I have some history with birds. Mostly as an auntie who helps. Louise is a very sweet bird. At at the beginning I wasn't sure I could raise her but we have fallen into a good routine of training, still not enough time with my work commitments. She gets an hour in the morning and several hours at night. She is already saying "hello" and "helple" (my friends CAG says helple let me out). She has said a few other things like good bird and beep-Picked up during socializing trips to my friends. As I am 50, I know I won't be the last person with whom Louise lives and I have made arrangements in my will. I want her to have a good life and one who can be easily placed as I won't live forever.
I have been reading on the forum about changes in birds when hormones affect behavior. For CAGs, what age is that?
I have been told talking at 4 months (has become very clear at 6m) is early. She is definitely a CAG, not a TAG. Is this early? Reading on line, it seems early/wondering what the experience of others...Is it an indication that she will be a prolific talker?
Long post!
Thank you for any info and assistance.
Welcome to the forum :)! It is great that you adopted her from a rescue center as their is many birds in them. As for when they go through their hormonal stage it is generally at around 4 to 5 years with the big parrots. is she tame ? as you did not say anything about her behavior in your post. Anyway i hope all is well with her and you guys have a strong bond. :D

Btw its amazing that she is talking at that age, she must be very intelligent.;)
She is incredibly sweet. No behavior problems. Steps up well. Sits on me well. Patient with the dogs but will lunge at them if they get too close which nicely modifies their behavior (supervised!) she was scared of a new toy so we just set it aside until she is comfortable. Right now, she is an easy bird. Very chirpy, not aggressive, patient, accepting. Has a call to me when I leave the room. She loves to sit on me and be talked to softly. It is then that she either allowes or likes to be stroked, only objects if too near her eyes. At first she ate poorly but now she may be chunky. Much bigger and rounder the than my friends gray. The bird rescue believes it is a female due to round head and other stuff, I only care to the extent of knowing any gender developmental differences.
Thank you for the reply.

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