baby bird

  1. woodsyfarms

    Cage Upgrade Recommendations for Bourkes Parrot

    Hi! I just got a Bourkes parakeet/parrot and shes wonderful! I hope this is the right place to post this! right now i have my new girl set up in a 31ā€ long cage that seems to fit her well but i was wondering if anyone knew of any cage that was designed for small birds but is around 47-50...
  2. G

    New Macaw Owner!

    Hello all, Very excited to introduce myself as a brand new baby macaw owner. Yesterday my fiance and I bought a 5 month old baby B&G. He (Barry) is so precious, he is an absolute love bug! We are so happy, we have both wanted a parrot since we were small children! We recently bought our...
  3. Luqman

    Baby cockatiel poo looks weird

    Hello so i recntly bought a new baby cockatiel and tried to hand feed it using a bird formula and syringe but today when i woke up to feed him again i saw that his poop was weird. I am not that sure because this is my first baby bird. Is the poop weird? Like canā€™t the baby bird digest its formula??
  4. pingu

    How to teach baby parrot that biting hurts

    Hello, Our newest flock member is Io (that's an uppercase i, not an L), a 3 month old Galah. She is very sweet and loving, but doesn't seem to understand that she is hurting me when she bites me... I have tried looking online but all advice I find has to do with parrots biting because they're...
  5. R

    My baby bird is showing unusual behaviour, please help

    Hi there, I have a baby female Indian ring neck that Iā€™ve had for 3 weeks. I hand feed her myself 4 times a day using a dropper n baby mix. She is 5 weeks old now she is overall, in my opinion, healthy. She is active, runs around, screams, and asks for food when itā€™s time, however, today when...
  6. M

    Got an egg, been looking forward to raising the newborn chicks! But I have some questions.

    Hello! I was super excited today when I checked on a cage that has three conures in it to find out one of the females laid an egg (hopefully the first of several)! The cage has 2 females and 1 male (the male is the brother of one of the two females in the cage). The female that is not his...
  7. A

    Baby GCC Behavior?

    Last Saturday I picked up my 8 week old, hand fed baby. Everything has been fine and normal, but Iā€™ve noticed that the baby sometimes makes beeping or chirping noises and slightly moves his wings, this usually starts when he is cuddling under my chin. I donā€™t have much experience with young...
  8. S

    Reasons your lovebird is grumpy!!!

    40 years of having and raising Agapornis roseicollis aka Peachfaced Lovebird has taught me a lot! Many thanks to all whom have inspired and instructed me! 1) Boredom Lovebirds get bored easily. Change out toys, even thier most favorite toys, will keep that birdie brain busy! Grooming toys, toy...
  9. B

    Good hand feeding formula?

    Anyone know a safe good quality hand feeding formula for parakeet baby's?
  10. Kamarro

    Hi all! New bird mom (1st timer here)

    Hi! Iā€™m Kelsey, I already made a original post about bonding with my new baby conure. But I should have introduced myself first. I am a wi8+ year Vet tech, full time job and mom to both human and birds. (Disclaimer:I know the amount of time I need to spend with my birds and I interact with...
  11. koyajo

    My new baby and a question šŸ¦œ

    Hello!! I recently go a baby bird.. yesterday actually. He is 7 weeks old and he is a pied cockatiel. He sure is a beautiful little one! I got him a whole bunch of toys and he has a pretty nice set up. His name is speckles and he has a little playground as well. He loves to sit on my shoulder...
  12. G

    Insurance yay or nay

    Hi all. I have a baby green cheek (Teddy) and a superb parrot (Poppy). I am absolutely loving being a parrot mum to all my feathered friends. But my little turquoise friend has a love for mischief. I had not considered pet insurance before he started investigating and trying to eat everything...
  13. shohagysaima

    HELP! New GCC Baby Hatchling Lying On Back

    Hi guys, my green cheek Conure layed and hatched some eggs the first week of August this year and one of the babies seems to be lying on itā€™s back all the time. Is this normal? The mother is feeding the baby whenever and the abdomen is bigger than the crop. Is this normal too? Iā€™ve been my...
  14. SamBeben

    Regurgitation before maturity

    I have a 1 year old Moustached Parakeet. She has been regurgitating for my husband and I frequently. She hasn't reached sexual maturity so I'm concerned that it's something unusual? She has been doing it for a few weeks. She's never actually brought anything up but I don't want to form that...
  15. S

    Baby ringnecks and BATHING!

    Hey! I have two baby IRN's who are a month old. So I know I'm not supposed to give them a shower but at what age exactly can I give them a shower because they're starting to stink and their feathers are starting to have a weird texture to them. Also, there's no proper info about it anywhere :(...
  16. S

    I'm new!!

    Hey! Okay so I'm new here and I'm also a new mother to two baby ringnecks who are just a month old. (Yes, I have learnt how to properly handfeed them and I have been handfeeding them since they were 15 days old) I'm in India so it's pretty common to adopt baby birds. So since I come here for...
  17. Zfelis

    Baby Parakeets need a new home (NY)

    Location >>> NYC, NY Baby Australian Parakeets/Budgies Hatch date: 12/19-12/26 Five babies available currently Need to rehome them because I don't have enough space and cages to raise them all. Small rehoming fee applies. (Attatched pictures of the parents for reference)
  18. artenemis

    Heavy Baby Conure??

    Hi, so 5 days ago i got this baby Green Cheek Conure hatched on the 23rd of December and we have been constantly feeding her and keeping track of her weight and amount of food she eats so as to be able to note significant changes in her diet and whatnot.. but we also noticed that she averages a...
  19. A

    Baby parrot won't eat

    Hello everyone! I just got a 1 month old cockatiel :yellow1: from a friend and I need to hand feed him. I got him at around 9 PM. I tried feeding him using baby bird formula through a syringe at around 11 PM but he wouldn't open his mouth. I put some formula on his beak, but he would just go...
  20. lisazartsi

    Independence Out of Cage

    Hi friends! :) This is my first week with my baby Pineapple GCC and she's a total angel. She plays super well on her own in her cage, eats and drinks comfortably and already knows how to step up and down (we practice for short increments every day). I'd like for her to learn how to play on her...
  21. S

    first bath?

    hi i have a 5 week old alex, i wasnt planning on handraising but "yoshi" was neglected and kicked out of nesting box. i have handraised ringnecks, lorri's and conures before, but this is so different. everything is going well, yoshi is growing, putting on wieght and gaining many feathers. but...
  22. millet

    My 3 months old ringneck isn't interested in any kind of interaction.

    When i got my male ringneck around 2 weeks ago, he was wild, and afraid of everyone. Now 2 weeks later, he steps up, flies to me, takes treats from my hand, and he is also target trained. But he doesn't care about any form of interaction. He isn't afraid of my hand anymore, but when my fingers...
  23. Melscamp

    A new baby to our flock

    I adopted 5 budgies in November. They were about a year old. None were tamed. They have a room for themselves and are out 12 hours a day. Munny jumps on my hand to eat millet, Roger and Bunny eat while I'm holding it and Hunny and Sunny sometimes. We've come a long way. They have a great life...
  24. C

    Not fully weaned?? (RB2/Galah)

    Hello, I thought the universe just happened to fall into place as I was ready for a new bird in my life, and I was able to get hold of a beautiful Galah. I want to preface this by saying itā€™s also only the first few days of me having him. He eats pellets and fresh veggies wonderfully, and...
  25. B

    new baby questions & experiences

    Hello, I have a 5 to 6 week old baby Pineapple conure and was told to hand feed for about another week or so. My new baby doesn't have a name yet because I'm waiting to see what fits - I've only had him/her for 3 days. It took me two days to get the feeding thing down! I didn't feel...
  26. ernietheringneck

    sneezing 4 week old ringneck & owner nerves

    this might be a little long, but iā€™m going to try and make it as thorough as possible. just two days ago i purchased a 4 week old indian ringneck from a reputable breeder in my area. i know many advise against getting parrots this young, and for very good reason, but iā€™ve had much past...
  27. N

    I cannot wait!

    I get my bird today! As some of you may know I have been preparing for a cockatiel baby for some time now. It was a close decision between a ā€˜tiel and a conure, but considering some of the noise conures are capable of, my family decided on a cute white face baby. :grey: After my classes I get...
  28. N

    Hand feeding a baby cockatiel?

    Hi all! My last post I had some questions about my soon to be cockatiel baby. However, the owner and I have talked, and they offered to rehome him to me now. Iā€™d like to have him soon because on the 20th I have three weeks off of my schooling and do not have to do anything school related. (I...
  29. Ezekiell


    Can anyone shed some light on why my baby is attempting to regurgitate on me? Maui is only 10months old and has been home for slightly over a week now. I've read that you donā€™t want to encourage birds to regurgitate on you so every time he has bobbed his head and started trying to regurgitate...
  30. DaisyChick62

    New Cockatiel Questions

    So about a week ago I got my very first cockatiel and basically my very first bird thats my own. My only previous experience is the 2 little budgies my boyfriends little sister owns. Anyways, we got what we believe is a her, from a local bird shop that hand feeds and raises them. My guess is...
  31. Jferrand526

    Some help please?

    Okay so I have had many years of handfeeding experience but this time Iā€™m getting a bit worried. I have a baby indian ringneck that Iā€™m currently handfeeding. The breeder didnā€™t tell me her age and now ignores my phone calls and texts, Iā€™ve tried countless times to get into contact with her. My...
  32. S

    New Baby Sun Conure! Introduction & Looking for Helpful Tips.

    Hey guys, My name is Jess and I got my baby Sun Conure, Sammy, about a week ago. I've done a lot of research on this little guy, and I would like to make sure I'm on the right track so I can give him the best upbringing I can. Sammy is 9 weeks old and hand fed with formula. I have started...
  33. srdalyssa

    Choosing a baby conure?

    Hello all, this is my first post as I am a prospective "parront." While I have plans to visit the two bird adoption agencies in my area, they have a notoriously bad reputation for taking deposits and leaving interested adopters in the dark for several weeks, and taking upwards of six months to...
  34. W

    Young lorikeet won't stop crying?

    Hi everyone! First time poster, apologies if this gets long. A week ago I became the owner of a 9 week old rainbow lorikeet. Although she was (apparently) fully-weaned when I bought her, she seems to have regressed a little... so I've been hand-feeding her wet lorikeet food (as well as offering...
  35. O

    My little sis hand feed a Baby parrot just water

    Hi guys today when i was not home my little sis though our Baby Alexandrine parrot was hunger so she picked up a syringe and feed him water ( just water ) after i heard the stroy i chedked his belly and its Full and now i have no idea what to do . Is water dangerous for the baby parrot...
  36. KrisandPenelope

    Laddering a biting bird without loosing skin? Is it possible

    Okay I have been going through all the old threads about biting and there seems to be a general consensus that making the bird step up or ladder is a good way to stop the biting. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I have a very confident very snuggly 5 month old CBC who will be fine one...
  37. L

    Some basic questions

    Hello, I am new to the forum and have my first bird. Louise was fledged?/hatched in April 2015 and I got her in July. I got her from a rescue kinda on impulse. I had planned on getting a toucanette and had been researching for about a year thinking it would be a good fit for my lifestyle. I had...
  38. A

    My new alexander trying to speak?

    Hi. I bought an Alexander (named Raju) one month ago. Pet breeder told me his age is 8 months when I bought it. So now it's almost 9 months old. (although I have no proof about the actual age, nor I know how can I determine) I have no prior experience dealing with parrots. For last some...
  39. lorika

    Baby lorikeet - no poop?

    Hey everyone! Since saturday I've had a baby rainbow lorikeet. He's now six and a half weeks old. He's just getting used to being hand-fed. We fed him yesterday at around 21:00, and this morning at 7:00. I can see he pooped yesterday after we put him back in his cage, but he hasn't pooped this...
  40. R

    Question about weaning age

    Can weaning ages vary? I'm 99% positive that NO TWO BIRDS are the same, and I'm getting some grief from people on a parrot facebook group about my new bird. I brought home my new kakariki last night. She will be 6 weeks old in 2 days. The breeder was raising her and weaning her for me and...
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