Some of my latest efforts


New member
Nov 15, 2013
South Africa
Percy, a 5yo BFA & Jack, a 8yo Budgie
Per suggestions from some of you, I've started a blog on toy making "on the cheap" :D so I've been a bit busy. I will share the blog here as soon as I've got some worthwhile stuff to share :)

In the meantime, here are a few things I've made recently :

The result of a straw and shredded paper frenzy I had one evening ;). Percy is afraid this thing will eat him and avoids it like the plague :D


A little bunny shredder.


My version of a "busy mat". I can't get the seagrass mats I see online here, so I employed some ooold crochet skills and made one using cotton rope.

What the heck?! How are you so AWESOME at this?! I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE all your toy ideas and I'll be anxiously awaiting to follow your blog! That crocheted mat is just awesome!! You've given me inspiration to use my crochet skills!
Wow, those are fantastic! I can't wait to see your blog.
That last one is just a black square on my computer, I can't see a picture.... What's a busy mat? Do you put instructions on your blog? Maybe I can make one for my girl.....

Have you put in for Percy's trademark yet? "Percy, luckiest little boy parrot in the world"?
Wow, amazing as always!! I also can't wait to see your blog!
As, always, YOU MAKE THE COOLEST TOYS EVER! I hope Percy appreciates his mommy's hard work:) Can't wait to see your blog, and I may have to steal the busy mat idea for my busy butt.
As awesome as always Michelle! Beautiful creative ideas, and I can tell your heart really goes into the crafts! Takes patience too.
I SO have toy envy. Calling those creations "awesome" would be an understatement. :D

LOVE your blog!! It's been bookmarked. :)
LOVE your blog!! Bookmarked and shared on FB!

Your creativity is such an inspiration! I can't wait to read more!!! [emoji4][emoji119]
I too have bookmarked your blog. You are going to have an army of faithful followers in no time at all :D

(How about a photo of the lucky recipient on the blog? Can never get too much Percy)

(How about a photo of the lucky recipient on the blog? Can never get too much Percy)

I agree. We need to see Percy enjoying his toys. Too few Percy photosely:( You know, to be sure our birds will like them if we utilize your blog:54: That and there's been too few Percy photos lately:(
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LOL!! Okay okay, I will post some pics of him tonight :). Sorry I've been so quiet lately. Work is keeping me very busy (too many out of town trips, blegh!) and I'm in the final stages of my studies towards my adult education degree. On top of that, I am busy with two massive projects at work designing new training material. When I do get time off, I make toys, cuddle Percy or sleep! LOL!

Percy is SUCH a precious boy these days. So cuddly and loving. How's THAT for a change from the beast that used to rip chunks of flesh from me? LOL! And he's "talking" up a storm - babbles non-stop alhough I can only catch a word here and there. He is LOVING outside time and has been on a few walks in the garden with me and loves looking at the trees and flowers. He almost hopped into our frangipani tree yesterday in his excitement! :eek:

However, it is quite difficult to take action photos of him lately. When he sees the camera, he goes into "vogue mode", stops what he doing and "poses" for photos! He sits very still and stares straight into the camera ;)

Thanks for all the positive comments. The blog is still a bit boring because I haven't posted any toy making things yet but I plan to remedy that if I get time tthis week. I am going to be training a group of students four full days this week (soooo tiring but great fun too) but I hope to squeeze in a blog post about making something.

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