Strange lovebird behavoir


New member
Nov 29, 2012
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Hello everybody,
I am new here in this forum. First of all: sorry for my not so good written english... I am Serbian, from Belgrade, and live in Italy for several years.
It is very nice to see that there is a lot of people that love their parrots and take so much care.

I will shortly present my Sima, the lovebird: he is male, almost 15 years old.
His "wife" died 7 years ago, since she couldn't deliver an egg... Very sad. When that happened he was suffering a lot, but after some time, he got used to be alone, and became very attached to me and my parents. I don't live in that house anymore, and I decided to leave him over there with my parents since he is used to the enterior when he flies arround. And he adors my father :)

He is a healthy bird, flys a lot and takes a bath from time to time. He eats well, a lots of seeds, vegetables and fruits...
But lately he started acting very strange.
It happens that he falls from the place where he is standing usually. and he dosn-t make it in time to fly up in the air. He just falls down on the floor!
It happened few times, the last time he felt on the table, and then from the table to the floor :( and he couldn't step up on his legs! He started turning arround, without being able to stand up! Like a turtle, when you put it on it's back. But he is a parrot, he should be much more agile... I know that he is old, but anyway this behavior is very strange I think.
Then after, when you put him on his feet, he becomes normal again. He eats normally and drinks water. This started happening like a month ago. Sometimes he also gets confused while he is flying, and while landing to something, he misses.
Anyone had a simmilar experience?
Thank you!
You have pretty good english!

Unfortunately, no one can say what is wrong with your lovebird. He needs to be seen by an avian vet. We can speculate and guess but we can't say 100%.

Can you find an avian vet or a vet that works with birds to get him checked out? A blood test may be required and those tend to be expensive, but it is worth it to figure out whats going on.
Hello Monica,
Thank you for your answer.
It is very difficult to find a good vet that works with parrots in Serbia, but I am still trying to find out if there is someone specialized.
I hope that this is not something serious... He acst normally last days.
I hope you are able to find help! There are some avian vets willing to do phone/Skype consultations, but they would only be able to give limited information/advice without being able to physically handle the bird and do tests. They might be able to help, so it is an option. I *think* Dr Perry in Australia is willing to do consultations, but can't think of any others off the top of my head. I do know there are others...

Best of luck, hope your lovie is fine!

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