Sudden death of a young female budgie


New member
Dec 11, 2019
Hi everyone. I am creating this thread to look for explanations behind my budgie's sudden death. I had two baby birds last year in June. I wasn't aware of the nesting conditions back then and hence both of them grew up with splayed legs. I read alot about this condition and so I did whatever I could to make life better for them. I used calcium and vitamin supplements on a regular basis. Their diet consisted of seeds, fruits, vegetables, occasional snacks. Out of the two babies one was male and the other one was female. It always felt as though she had a harder time putting up with that condition. The male budgie adapted pretty quickly and could take a proper flight around the house, move around the cage and everything. The female bird struggled a bit more. She started laying eggs before she was one year old and whenever she was expecting, I used to notice temperament changes in her. She got extremely aggressive and used to bite me real hard if she caught hold of my finger. Another observation - she sneezed alot compared to other bugdies and also a repetitive high pitched sound accompanied whenever she was short of breath. Today, I gave all my birds (6 of them, the oldest one being nearly 6 years old) a quick bath with warm water. The young bird started making those repetitive sounds again with her beak open ( this wasn't new, she always made sounds after bath ) . So I put her inside a towel in order to dry her up and warm her back. She relaxed a little and then stopped making those sounds. Then she herself came out of the towel wrap and started flapping her wings rapidly in order to be put back inside the cage. I did that and covered the cage with a blanket since it's winter season and I ddin't want them to catch a cold. After an hour or so my other birds started chirping which was a sign of them being all dried up now and fully awake. So I slightly moved the blanket and found my bird dead on the floor. She hadn't even dried up so I am guessing she passed away minutes after I put her back inside. I really don't know what went wrong. I have been blaming myself since then and I am very upset.

Also, I don't good avian vets in my area. The last time I checked in with a vet, he prescribed antibiotics for my sick bird and my bird died of convulsions. I witnessed her convulsions all night and so I couldn't muster up the courage to trust a vet for my birds again. In india, birds as a pet aren't cosidered important enough to be taken to a doctor and hence they only pay attention when it's a cat or a dog. So, just stating the fact that I am not lucky enough to have good avian vets like other countries otherwise I would have taken my birds for a regular health checkup too. It's better to let them die of natural causes than give them a painful death due to wrongly prescribed medicine. It's a nightmare.

If you all can help me figure out what went wrong and find peace again, please do respond.
Do you keep your birds inside your house, or outside? In my opinion it sounds like she was given the warm bath and then exposed to much cooler temperature suddenlys which likely shocked her body or made her too cool suddenly or just too cold in general.

Where are you located in the world? My birds are kept inside at a temperature of 68-70 degrees F year-round. If the birds were outside and temperatures were below 60 degrees F, this is probably the cause. I am very sorry for your loss.
Regarding medical care. Check around for a Farm 'Large Animal' Vet. They tend to also care for the Chickens, etc... that are found on a Farm. The care may not be much better, but still much better than a Cat and Dog Vet that has no interest in any other creatures.

Also, check you local Medical Supply Store in your area. They can be a great source for "Do It Yourself" Avian care.

In the Amazon Forum here, see the huge Thread near the top of that Forum, highlighted in Light Blue. The Thread is Tilted: I Love Amazons - ... Near the end of that Thread is a Segment that provides First Aid Care, Equipment and Mediations that are helpful. The equipment is far more than most Parrot Owners will likely ever need. But, it provides product names if you need to purchase them at your Medical Supply Store.

NOTE #1: Commonly, members do not provide medical advice beyond the basics as most areas have Avian Vet Clinics and the best care is quickly moving the Parrot to an Avian Professional. In Your Case, such care can be an extend train trip over several days.

NOTE #2: Consider including your Country as part of your information, plus the type of Parrot(s) that you have. This will let members know that Avian Professional care is a very long ways away. It may save you critical time in receiving advice. Please remember that no one here is a trained professional and will hold back providing even basic care because (Like Me) Avail Professional care is a couple of hours (at most) away, so commonly our first advise is to see a Professional.

I'm sorry, but I do not know the correct term for the care groups listed above in your Country. I hope that this is of help!
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This high pitched respiratory sound during exercise and stress is an indication of a health problems. It could be airsac mites, could be an infection.

Because of this problem, she just wasn't able to recover from the stress of the bath... Sorry.

Il go find a link I have on Budgies diseases. And out it here for you to read. Unfortunately we can't diagnose a problem like this from the internet, and help you.. it really is something an avain vet would have to diagnose and treat. I'm sorry that it is difficult for you to get veterinary care. ...
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