The K's are out competing!


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
So I have hundreds of photos, but I thought these would show all their different moments hehe

In truck on the way to their first event together! Just showjumping training.. (Also Kitai's first outing, and Klaatu's second)
See if you can figure out the order of their faces haha

Kitai's round (First time ever on a course)

Klaatu 's round (Also first time ever on a course)

Kyros's round (This issss his 6th time I think)

Kitai has only been ridden since September after having over a year off being very injured, and this is him jumping 1.2m.. He loves jumping! Terrible position sometimes with Kitai because he jumps very differently to Kyros, it has taken me a few times to understand his rhythm haha

Kyros jumping as well.. This just shows, that the jump is big... But when Kyros is jumping it.. It looks small -_- Honestly.. haha
The worst thing about having big horses!

and just some other jumping/riding

This was Kitai's first Hunter Trial, and first competition! He was AMAZING.. Not a single refusal showjumping or cross country.. He did the cross country course like he had been doing it his whole life..

More pictures to follow !
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Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
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After the Hunter Trial, Kyros went showjumping!

This is where the story gets interesting !

The judge/coach on the day.. Fell IN LOVE with Kyros.. The black beauty..

Long story short, he said he couldn't believe what a soft, relaxed, responsive horse he is...

Funny, because when I purchased Kyros, the lady said he was dangerous to show jump because he bolts and doesn't listen.. Interesting what a bit of training can do hey? hehe

Anywayssss... A few days ago, this man called mum and has offered to come and coach Kyros and I for free, because he thinks we can go far as a team... Wow.. I google stalked him, and he is basically *the* showjumping judge in qld now that he has retired.. Awesome huh!

This is Klaatu after our trail ride today! He is such a trusting horse... So calm and level headed.. There are trucks which go passed and he doesn't even blink an eye at them!
Very impressive for such a young horse

and just playing in the arena.

Klaatu is still only young (rising 4) so he only free jumps big heights.. He is only allowed to jump about 50cm with me until he is older.

But wow, look at that jump. He is a very talented youngster

This is Kitai and Kyros at the farriers... and me.. We were waiting, they were enjoying the grass haha.. Love them

and lastly Kyros at the farriers.. I love his face... He thinks he is the king, getting his servants to clean his feet hahaha

and that is the K's all up to date!

On the 6th Kyros and I are going to an eventing day.. Dressage, showjumping and cross country..

Kitai would have gone.. However Kitai stuck his leg in the fence and will be out for another week or 2 hehe.. Silly boy!
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Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
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You can see all their white gear.. They each have their own set of white boots, saddlecloth, ear bonnet, and breastplate..

I have 2 bridles, so one is shared ;)

My saying with the boys..

Is that-


Ask Kitai
Teach Klaatu
Guide Kyros

Each of their personalites you need to have a very different riding style and ways to teach..

Kitai is my delicate little flower.. Incredibly soft horse and so trusting.. But that makes him very difficult in some cases.. If you 'make' him do something, you will just have him very upset and uncontrollable!

Klaatu is just the baby, so everything for him is learning.. You teach him as you go! ;) But he is very responsive.. If you even move a tiny tiny bit in your seat, he is unhappy, you have to be very balanced and confident with him.

and Kyros is a very intelligent boy, and he knows what he is doing.. He just needs a rider that trusts him and puts confidence in him to help him along.. Which is where the last owner went wrong..

I had a friend come over the other week wanting to ride.. I didn't want to put her on one of the K's hahaha :( I just can't trust someone on them.. :eek:

Anyway, enough rambling..

Lastly.. MY JUMPS!

The business has finished making them ( I designed the patterns and colours) and we are picking them up on friday! Woo hoo... Have waited basically all year for these haha


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
Thanks for letting us distract you long enough to share these photos and commentary, Tab. The K's look magnificent in their new gear. The coach that volunteered to work with you and Kyros must see a tremendous amount of potential. Enjoy the experience. The new jumps look fantastic. I love that you know your horses so well and work with each one accordingly. Wonderful update!


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Dec 18, 2013
Maya (Female Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Jolly (Male Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Bixby (Male, red-sided eclectus. RIP), Suzie (Male cockatiel. RIP)
Hiya Robin! Thank you for the updates!

Like I've told you before, I think my favorite all time pic of you is the one where you are hugging Kyros' massive head! Mostly for the obvious love for him that you can see in your face, but also for the point of reference it provides for the size of your horses. You're just about 6 feet tall, yet Kyros' head is easily bigger than your torso! That's a big boy!!!!


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Super Moderator
Dec 18, 2013
Maya (Female Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Jolly (Male Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Bixby (Male, red-sided eclectus. RIP), Suzie (Male cockatiel. RIP)
And I agree with Allee. That judge definitely saw a lot of potential in you and Kyros both! As always, I'm so proud of you!

Oh! And I love your different philosophical approaches with your horses. That's exactly as it should be. No cookie cutter approaches. Take the time to learn and understand each animal, and then work with them rather than trying to dominate them. Most impressive, my friend.


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Jul 20, 2012
Yayyyy, what a super special treat!!! :D

Holy smokes, Tab, Klaatu is developing SO super nicely. He looks to be having yet another growth spurt. I :smile015: how he's looking these days, and WOW can that boy lift his feet. :D

I always had a gut feeling that you and Kyros would make it quite far. His previous owner was no good for him. She was MUCH to short for him, and MUCH too hard with her hands. You know how I feel about her. ;)

Totally in awe with how the jumps turned out. BEAUTIFUL! This is exactly what you needed. You'll have all the training aids at your disposal now, and I also know you'll make excellent use of them, AND the trainer who called. :)


New member
Sep 29, 2013
Stunning horses! Though I don't know why you chop off heads and block off your face. :)


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Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
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Thank you guys :eek:

I think the judge just fell in love with Kyros.. Everyone does haha.. In all the videos mum took, people were talking in the background about how gorgeous and sweet he was hehe

When we finished these three girls came up to me and said- Can we pat him?

It seems my animals always end up having a fan club ;) hahaha

Isn't Klaatu gorgeous Wendy!!! :D His neck has finally getting longer in the past week or 2, and his shoulders are slowly getting wider!

We had our first trail ride last week, he had never been on the road before, and he was perfect... He didn't care about cars/trucks/bags/wallabies/tape.. The only thing he looked at were the sheep.. Those sheep are scary ;)

and Karen hahaha.. Because! When you are riding your face always looks bad :p Especially showjumping.. No one can ever do a nice face whilst showjumping hehe

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