Tofu the Quaker parrot


Aug 23, 2023

I rescued a Quaker Saturday and I wanted to update on her progress. She’s got severely deformed feet and since being with me these past two days I haven’t even seen her stretch her wings or flap. My cockatiel who has deformed feet, can fly around but hers is not as bad as Tofu’s therefore I’m thinking could she be hesitant to fly due to the fact that landing on her feet may be uncomfortable?

Her diet before was awful, mostly peanuts and seed. I’ve started weaning her onto my diet and she seems to be willing to try new things but still prefers her seed.

She isn’t afraid of me in any way, she will accept treats from my hands and won’t run away when I approach, but she doesn’t seem to be a big fan of fuss or scritches which is fine by me. I’m teaching her how to step up. I have to transport her everywhere by scooping her up and placing her down. Tonight she’s enjoyed sitting on my shoulder for the last 4 hours and even went into my hoodie to snuggle.

I’ve never owned a Quaker before so I’m getting used to the noises she makes, I mean she barely makes any at all but she will do this thing where it looks like she’s eating but she’s not and I thought at first she was thirsty so I offered some water but she wasn’t interested. I think it might be a sign of content?

Another thing is she had about 100 pin feathers, I’m not joking it was awful! She actually looked bald on her head because she was that full of them. I wish I got a proper photo of her before I took the time to gently preen each feather. In just two days the difference is unbelievable she looks like a different bird! She even enjoyed a bath!

If you would like to see her progress you can follow my instagram dedicated to my birds I’ve linked it in this thread. My instagram.

If anyone has any videos of their quakers and their noises and body languages that would be amazing as I’m trying to learn as much about her as I can.

I love how your other birds are so curious in the video of her taking a bath! JJ makes a chewing sound / motion when I’m eating by him; just imitating me 🙂. He also makes exaggerated gagging sounds and motions when he doesn’t like a food. Just like a toddler, lol! When is Tofu making the eating motions that you mention?
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I love how your other birds are so curious in the video of her taking a bath! JJ makes a chewing sound / motion when I’m eating by him; just imitating me 🙂. He also makes exaggerated gagging sounds and motions when he doesn’t like a food. Just like a toddler, lol! When is Tofu making the eating motions that you mention?

Roz my conure can be a little dominant sometimes so I was like be nice! And Theodore my Budgie loves everyone and wants to be their best friend it was very cute!

She makes the noise quite consistently, like if she’s just chilling on my shoulder or after she’s eaten something. I’ll try and get a video of it because it’s really hard to explain but I wasn’t sure wether it was something to be concerned about.

I’m going to get her to the vets asap anyways so I’m sure if something is wrong they’ll be able to tell but it’s always better to tell them some things I’ve noticed as well.
She is SO cute!!!

I rescued a Quaker Saturday and I wanted to update on her progress. She’s got severely deformed feet and since being with me these past two days I haven’t even seen her stretch her wings or flap. My cockatiel who has deformed feet, can fly around but hers is not as bad as Tofu’s therefore I’m thinking could she be hesitant to fly due to the fact that landing on her feet may be uncomfortable?

Her diet before was awful, mostly peanuts and seed. I’ve started weaning her onto my diet and she seems to be willing to try new things but still prefers her seed.

She isn’t afraid of me in any way, she will accept treats from my hands and won’t run away when I approach, but she doesn’t seem to be a big fan of fuss or scritches which is fine by me. I’m teaching her how to step up. I have to transport her everywhere by scooping her up and placing her down. Tonight she’s enjoyed sitting on my shoulder for the last 4 hours and even went into my hoodie to snuggle.

I’ve never owned a Quaker before so I’m getting used to the noises she makes, I mean she barely makes any at all but she will do this thing where it looks like she’s eating but she’s not and I thought at first she was thirsty so I offered some water but she wasn’t interested. I think it might be a sign of content?

Another thing is she had about 100 pin feathers, I’m not joking it was awful! She actually looked bald on her head because she was that full of them. I wish I got a proper photo of her before I took the time to gently preen each feather. In just two days the difference is unbelievable she looks like a different bird! She even enjoyed a bath!

If you would like to see her progress you can follow my instagram dedicated to my birds I’ve linked it in this thread. My instagram.

If anyone has any videos of their quakers and their noises and body languages that would be amazing as I’m trying to learn as much about her as I can. View attachment 55629View attachment 55630
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Hello .. your Quaker is beautiful ! Yea I have one it’s about 3 months and have had a little over a week .. it makes these cute little noises after it eats and then fluffs up .. like it’s content as you say . Mine is a light yellow with some hint of green in back ..
Yours has a gorgeous yellow color ! Mine doesn’t want to eat pellets ! It only eats candy food the tiny ones .. I try to mix in some pellets and nothing ..

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