Tomorrow Is The Big Day!


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Middlebury, VT
CAG Quincy - BD 3/27/00. Gotcha 6/00 ~ GW Macaw Savannah - BD 6/21/93. Gotcha 4/13 ~ B&G Macaw Coqui - BD 9/3/03. Gotcha 10/13 ~ Blue Crown Conure Sidney - BD Unknown Approx 5 Years Old. Gotcha 6/15/
Well I am very excited that tomorrow we bring Sinbad (Savannah) home with us! It's been a very long week! I've been counting down the days! :D

If you haven't read already, I am adopting a 18 year old Green Wing Macaw. We met her last Tuesday. It went very well and we decided we would adopt her. Our day off is Tuesday so we had to wait a week to come pick her up since they live 2 hours away! That gave us all this past week to get the house set up and ready for her.

I was going to post pictures of her new living quarters but my camera is not cooperating! :mad: As many of you may have read, she is in a smaller cage then I like and I have purchased a 6.5 foot tall cage for her. I think she will love it.

Hopefully I can post pictures of her new surroundings and of her after we pick her up tomorrow. She is going to have a stressful day. We pick her up, then take her straight to the vet for trimming and blood work. No fun for her. :( But I want to get all that over with right away. I know it's important that we get her a good check up. She hasn't been to the vet probably since they first got her 17 years ago! Then I hope to get her settled into her new home.

Wish us luck! :D
The cage sounds fantastic , I insist my birds are in big cages .Im sure in the long run your grey will be happy having someone in his flock. My grey was are only one for years . I feel hes happier. I would be so excited too !! You will be dreaming about her allnight.What made you want to get another bird.? if you havent had a Macaw before,and she bonds to you .There is love like no other. I remember when I was ready to get what I had always wanted [a bigger bird] I thought I was going to get a M2 . But this guy here [we call the bird guy ] said the same thing to me. So I looked into Macaws and thank god I did [he was so right ] I would have missed out :)
Re: Tomorrow Is The Big Day

What an exciting time for you. I'm sure your new greenwing is going to love her new home.
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Psychocircus - Thank you! It actually wasn't the camera but my laptop. It's so new I'm not able to download my photos from it from my camera and it doesn't have the right size card slot for the sd card! Things went very well today!

Pinkbirdy - I've thought about getting a Macaw one day. I've always wanted one but wanted it to be the right time. Well the owner of Sinbad came into my shop about 2 weeks ago and saw my grey. We got to talkin' and she wanted to know if I could help find her a home for her Macaw. Well I was immediately interested. But I had to talk to my husband first. To my surprise he was interested, too! So here we are. Things went well today. Read more at the end of this post.

Chesphoto & Copper - Thank you so much! You are all right! I couldn't get Sinbad off my mind last night are all week! LOL!

(I will be posting this as a new thread as well) Well thing couldn't have gone better today! Sinbad cooperated and got in the metal dog crate we got for her. Her previous mama had no issues getting her in. She road well in the van. She was nervous a bit and was pacing back and forth but calmed down quicker then I thought she would. The vet visit even went well. She got on the perch for the vet but when it came to towling for her clipping she wasn't too pleased. But I wouldn't have been either! He did have to sedate her to take bloods so he decided to clip her nails and wings while sedated so it would be less stressful for her. We got home and a pulled up her crate to her new cage and gave her a couple of hours. At about 7:30pm I decided it was time to get her out and put her in her new home. I gave her long enough. I had the stick her previous mama used to get her out of her cage and she got right on it. She did hop on top of the crate but happily got back on the stick and I got her in! Boy was I nervous, her beak is definitely intimadating! But I tried not to show it and I was so proud of her getting in her cage so well! She is now settled down for the night! Quincy on the other hand was a little wound up. I spent some out of cage time with him in another room so he would calm down a little bit. I think he liked that. Now that the lights are off downstairs. I don't hear anything so I think they both have settled down. What a great day!

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