

New member
Mar 7, 2013
Johnson City, TN
Sun Conure
I have been trying to teach my conure to step up on my finger and up until yesterday, it would just run from me when I tried it. Then while I was sitting on the couch, it flew to me and I started rubbing it and talking to it. I then tried to get it to step up on my finger and it did. It did it over and over. The problem is, when I put it back on its cage, it refused to do it and would continue to run from me. Why will it trust me enough to do it while on the couch with me but not when I put it on its cage? Do I just need to continue to try it and just give it more time? I have only had the bird a week.


New member
Jan 26, 2013
East Coast, U.S.
Military Macaw - 'Lady",
GW Macaw - "Jazzy"
Some parrots need a 'neutral' area to learn new things. This is because in a neutral area they look to you for protection. I had to teach my African Grey to step up and to fly to me downstairs in the basement where she hardly ever goes. Upstairs and on her cage I could only get her to step up to a hand held perch. Once she learned that my hand was safe (downstairs) she was no longer afraid upstairs.

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