Traveling (walking) outdoors with Conures + Video!


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Bubba (budgie)
Mango (budgie)
Banjo (GCC)
Hello! My bf and I are avid outdoor enthusiasts, we love hanging out on our porch, going for walks, visiting the mountains, etc.

We want to know HOW to start training our Banjo on going outdoors.
We want to hang out with him on the porch, take him to the farmers market, to the pet store, on a walk, etc.

So where do we begin?
- car cage... would't want him on my shoulder in the car so what do y'all recommend?
- leashes? what kind?

I've seen bird owners at my local petsmart just walking around without a leash with their birdies on their shoulders. I WANT that.

Side notes: Banjo has mastered stepping up, we open the cage door and wherever he's at he goes to his "pick me up" perch and hops right onto our fingers. He is cool being put back, he however has clipped nails (petco did that) and has trouble hanging onto our shirts when on our shoulders.

CUTE video of Banjo! Instagram


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
Banjo is adorable! I love how he opens his little beak while your scratching him:).

Many people harness train their birds, so they can come out on a leash and be safe. I couldn't even begin to tell you how this is done though, as I would be missing a few digits for sure if I ever dared put Kiwi in a harness:09: But I think there are plenty of members who can explain the ins and outs of it.

We just have a really small cage for Kiwi in the car. It's 14wX14dx20h", so just big enough to fit him tip of head to tip of tail (though a conure in the same sized cage would be in quite roomy travel accommodations) and fits well in the car. We run the seatbelt through the bars (he does not chew). One thing I prefer about the cage to a regular carrier, is he can hold onto the bars with his foot to keep balance when we brake or go around turns.

Personally, Kiwi either came out in the courtyard at our old apartments freely (he cannot fly), or if we went somewhere unfamiliar where we'd be sitting, like for a picnic, we brought him in his travel cage and he'd sit on top. We had to leave him at home if we went on hikes or any long distance walking, since he is not a shouldered bird. We JUST got him a backpack carrier (like literally arrived yesterday) so he is still adjusting to it, but I love the option of taking him for longer walks in a backpack. It has food and water dishes, places to hang toys, and the front/sides can all be rolled down so it would keep the sun out if needed. It also has a special place to run a seatbelt through. The company makes conure-sized carriers, so it may be worth looking into :) Celltei Pak-o-Bird - the high quality light-weight carrier for your birds and parrots


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Bubba (budgie)
Mango (budgie)
Banjo (GCC)
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Oh my gosh, that is an awesome travel backpack!!! I'm going to get my Banjo one. We hike a lot so that's soooo perfect! I'll use the search tool to look up harness training. When he's spooked he flies off so I'd hate for that to happen on our 2nd floor patio.

Thank you!!!! Oh and I love his yawns, everytime we pet him. So cute!


New member
Jun 27, 2013
Kiwi Stardust - a green cheek conure
You're going to have a blast once you can take your bird out safely! I think you'll all have a great time!

I use a flight suit and leash on Kiwi when we are walking around, but I only have it on her when we are outside. If we drive anywhere, I keep her in a little cage with food, water, perches and a couple of toys.

This weekend we went out to the pet store together, and to the park for a long walk. She loved listening to all the birds and calling to them. It's still a bit chilly so she nestled in my jacket and stick her head out. Too stinkin cute!

Good luck with your outdoor adventures and keep us posted on how you like that bag!

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