UK Eclectus Owner


New member
Feb 7, 2016
Midlands, UK
Female Eclectus "Chilli" born circa 2002
Hello all, thought I would sign up on here to help with ownership of my female Eclectus named Chilli.

I'm 24 from Warwickshire in the UK. Chilli is around 14 or so (we think). We've had her in the family since around 2005, having got her as a very young bird from somewhere down south. She is a lovely bird although has some bad habits I'd like to address!

I have recently got my own place and moved her from my Mums down to mine, and if I leave the room she lets out this horrendous split second shriek, almost like a fire alarm running low on it's batteries! We've tried ignoring her but she won't stop. Thankfully she does it only once or twice at night time when we go to bed, then stops. I don't remember her ever really doing this at my Mums house, I'm just hoping it will stop as she settles into our house (she has only been here for 5 days so far).

Other than that she is great, and I'll get some photos up of her for you all.
Hi there, and welcome to the forums. :)

I moved your thread over to the Eclectus section, so that Ekki owners and/or folks familiar with them can chime in about Chilli's shrieking.

Hopefully this is only an adjustment issue for her. After all, she's spent many years at a totally different place, and she may still be a bit confused as to what happened. Could be a contact call to you, looking for reassurance that everything is all right. :)
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And one from when she escaped a few years ago, I'm not sure who looks more flustered!!

Your chilli is a beautiful girl! Welcome to the forums!

Im a bit confused by your description of the problem. Does it happen whenever you leave the room, or does it only happen once at night around bedtime?
Wendy is most likely correct about Chilli just needing some reassurance, being in a new place and all.

But tell me, when you leave, does she shriek continuously? Or is it just one short blast? I ask because my female ekkie, Maya, has taken on the job of Court Crier. She gives one sharp contact call whenever I enter the room she's in, and one other whenever I leave.

It's just her way, and I've gotten used to it. It only becomes an issue if we have people over and I find myself repeatedly entering and leaving her area. Lol!

If she's repeatedly calling after you, though, that's different. And if it proved to be more insistent than a case of needing reassurance in a new place, you'll need to take steps to train her out of that behavior.

But for now, I'd say just work on reassuring her and getting her used to her new surroundings. A little more time might be all she needs.

Oh, and she's beautiful, btw. Love the pics.
Hi and welcome. I agree that it's a call to check on you. New place, less flock members, where did you go? You still there? Venus does this every day with me, especially when I go in the kitchen and she can't see me. The most she will call is when I'm in the kitchen cooking. She's not allowed in the kitchen when I'm cooking, cleaning or working an appliance except the Keurig coffee machine. All for safety, her safety, so that means a couple of calls from her. Other times I'll scoop her up and take her with me when I move laundry in the machines, folding clothes, working, watching TV, taking a shower, etc. she even helped me decorate the tree at Christmas, lol. I don't usually call back but if she calls over and over I'll tell her I'm still here and she calms down. Have patience, she'll adjust.
Welcome, chilli is a gorgeous girl!
I agree with everyone else, new house, less people, she's probably still adjusting.

I just wanted to point out, in case some of those pictures are new and you hadn't noticed but I think chilli might want a nail trim?

She is stunning though, she looks like you keep great care of her.
Chilli is Adorable...welcome to you and Chilli ... I have no experience of Ekkies but your girl is Beautiful ...I see you have got some good advice from a few members already so I hope this helps in understanding and curtailing Chilli's Shriek/call probpem... lovely pics ...hope you enjoy the forum
Welcome! Chilli is a gorgeous girl! I agree with what everyone else has said, and hopefully she'll be a little less shrill when she gets more comfortable in her new place

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Welcome! Im a newbie too but have been on the forum for a few months. The "peeps" here are awesome and there is tons of knowledge. Chilli looks like she's well cared for, congrats on your new place and hope she adjusts soon. Love the tree stand!
Chilli's a beauty. There's a lot of knowledgeable folks around here and I can't wait to see more of Chilli. Welcome aboard.

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