Untamed Red Rump Parakeet


Jun 15, 2022
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Hi, I recently acquired a 1.5 year old Red Rumped male; he was apparently hand-fed as a baby but will flee when approached. When in the cage, I can get him to sit on my finger for few seconds before he flies off, and he rarely bites. I have never owned one, and I'm wondering if he could ever be as tamed as hand-feds....reason being is I do the indoor free flight in large facilities and recall is a must. Also, I noticed that he flies a bit slow and wondering if that is just a result of not getting enough free flight time b4; I was expecting him to be as fast as ccoktiels.
Your timelines are likely way ahead of your Parrots comfort zone!
Slow down and let your Parrot lead. Only move at the rate of your Parrots comfort.
Far more time is required to develop a trust bond.

Also, just stepping-up is sometimes best tied to an activity that your parrot appreciates, like a treat or a ride to a special spot. Wanting to just spend time with you comes after your trust bond is stronger.

Slower flight can be connected to strength, but can also be tied to not enough comfort with where your parrot is heading, so taking its time is likely a safer way to travel than a Tiel's 'Full Speed and Damn the Walls, Windows, etc..'
Like my good friend 'Boats said, give this guy time and use that time honored technique of bribing this little guy. I think the term 'hand fed' is often bandied about far too often and has way too much significance attached to it. My opinion is that nothing substitutes 1 on 1 working with a parrot. Good luck with him.

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