Valentino pics and vid


New member
Sep 23, 2011
Valentino - Red Fronted Macaw - Hatched August 12, 2012
Well it has been a while since I have updated and wrote about Valentino. Last night Lupe took a cute video of his nightly feeding and some pictures. You can see his red front has really filled in. His wings now have a lot of orange and red on the shoulders and his eyes are getting the light yellow ring with a blue ring then the black.

So far Valentino is doing alright now that we had brought Julio home. Of course Julio is in my office upstairs while Valentino lives downstairs. For now neither parrot can see one another but they sure can hear each other even behind a closed door. When Valentino calls to me Julio will answer him. If Julio is calling for someone to go into the office to spend time with him Valentino will call to him also. My noise level has increased a lot and sometimes I worry about my new neighbor but the noise is only during the daytime and is NOT constant.

So...enjoy some pictures of Valentino

Valentino has this crown of green baby feathers on his front that looks very cute to me. How adorable to have a crown of green among all the red?


Side view of the pretty parrot


Better side view showing more of his beautiful wing shoulder changes


And now a link to the VIDEO. Enjoy my parrot eating like a freak. What is with the drooling anyway. And then I shot some out the side all over the counter. Geeze

[ame=]Valentino's nightly hand feeding - YouTube[/ame]

I really love this parrot. Even when he is frustrating me I love him. I am very grateful to have such a creature in my life. Valentino helps heal my heart.
AWESOME pictures of STUNNING Valentino, Rebecca!!!! And that video is just beyond adorable! :D Boy is he smart. He saw yummies coming his way and got on his perch right after you told him to. :)

You ought to treat us like this more often. ;)
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Thank you Wendy and birdlover for your kind words. Valentino may look compliant in the video but he can be a very head strong parrot. He wants his needs met NOW and he can get fixated on that particular need or want.

My favorite time with Valentino is when he is a pile of mush when we are both relaxing and enjoying each others company. He can be very affectionate and will melt the hardest of hearts. One of the aspects that attracted me to the RFM was their unique personality trait of the "RFM meltdown" and the "RFM hugs" I have never had a parrot that will totally relax and collapse into a soft pile of feathers in my arms. They will only do this for people that they trust and the first time he collapsed in my arms I was almost in tears. The first time Valentino hugged my head Lupe thought it was so endearing she took pictures of it.

I can admit Valentino has totally stolen my heart.

Here is one of the pictures Lupe took of him hugging my ear.

Each parrot I have had has a special place in my heart. They were all very unique and I loved them all very much. Although I have only had Valentino since December he has already won a special place in my heart. Everyday it seems as though my love for him grows.
Awww!!!!!!!! Baby Valentino is growing up!!!! He's adorable!

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