Very cuddly and affectionate lately?


Dec 12, 2023
Pineapple conure- Tiago
Two budgies- Edith & Azalea
in the past few days tiago has become a TON more cuddly and affectionate with me! he’s been very interested with nibbling my face and seems to do it to get my attention :,) Its super cute and i love it so much but it came out of nowhere so im wondering if this is normal parrot behavior. Im pretty sure this is correct, but parrots softly nibble for exploring and showing affection right? I attached some links to videos of him actively doing it :)

Now, I will say as a disclaimer: This could be bad and I don't know about it
I mean why complain lol :p
edit: although I do suppose it could mean its hormonal
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Now, I will say as a disclaimer: This could be bad and I don't know about it
I mean why complain lol :p
edit: although I do suppose it could mean its hormonal
oh dear.. i hope its not bad! hes 6 months now, when do hormonal periods occur?
oh dear.. i hope its not bad! hes 6 months now, when do hormonal periods occur?
To be completely honest, I don't know, I haven't owned a bird, that's just a random guess based on the bits of knowledge I've picked up from the internet.

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