Vet appointment! :)


New member
Nov 12, 2016
Sun Conure
Woohoo! we have an appointment on Monday at 9:25 am, and they are going to sex the conure and do overall check up! I'm excited and also worried, especially him coming from a pet store. Hopefully there will be a clean bill of a health and knowing the gender will help for an appropriate name! They seem like a good vet already, my boyfriend likes how they asked for pictures of the cage and toys and also a sample of poo! wish us luck!!! (also little update pic!) WIN_20161202_15_39_17_Pro (2).jpg
Sounds wonderful!

What a great start!

And you three are ALL gorgeous critters!
Best of luck at the vet!
What a beautiful family y'all are:)
Beautiful picture!! Good luck with the exam, hope all turns out very well. If this is the first visit, might find it helpful to have a list of questions. Please let us know how it went!!
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Thanks Scott! And of course. I'll keep this post updated, and yes this is the first visit( wanted him/her to fully trust us and feel comfortable with us, he/she sleeps in our coats, so pretty trusting!) I will start that question list immediately! Great idea, if I start tomorrow I'll have two full days to think of meaningful and important questions for vets only! Hopefully I won't leave anything out! Cause I know I have a million in one questions and I try so hard to refrain from constant forum posts!!
Please don't worry about posting a lot of's what the forum is here for:)
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Awe thank you Terry57, I'll be sure to use the site to my advantage!
It will be fine. Get the Pool test done. That's the only way I found out my little guy was sick. Better to be safe than sorry.
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pool test, got it, thank you snowflake311, but sadly they said they dont want to do any blood work since its the first visit, which has me confused about the sexing. but ill definitely request one of those tests. :) (dont know if the test youre talking about is actually a blood test, but i did request a blood test, thats how i know they wont do it on the first visit.)
Exciting! DNA test will most likely be from a toe clip. A drop of blood is all that required.
They can also use a freshly plucked feather.
I believe Petsmart does upfront blood work and vaccination. I know our Petco does!

FYI, may be totally wrong, but I think the pool test is a typo! Poo test!
Exciting! DNA test will most likely be from a toe clip. A drop of blood is all that required.
They can also use a freshly plucked feather.
I believe Petsmart does upfront blood work and vaccination. I know our Petco does!

FYI, may be totally wrong, but I think the pool test is a typo! Poo test!

Yes thank you. I wanted to say POOP not pool.
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oh yes poop test! yes she asked me to bring that with me. a tablespoon of poopy! thats one reason my boyfriend liked them right away! haha yes i dont have the results yet but it was indeed a toe clip blood collection! we should be receiving a call soon to get a gender!! poor baby had his toes clipped and beak sanded, and even had the rest of his flight feathers cut shorter because she said they were stabbing him because of how long they had grown out. after she let him go, he sat on the table all "traumatized" and flew! lol yes flew from the cold shiny table up into the air and three feet over to my shoulder, touched down and just laid against my neck the whole walk out. He got a rope boin and a yucca log chew toy! all the textures! he now has 12 toys including two different foraging toys, a large dowel special order ladder and a swing, among many other thingy-mabob toys! so needless to say it was a successful trip, the little one did well, we have another appointment on january 6th, and as soon as i find out what the gender is im going to tell you guys and even hopefully a name by then as well. (want to know gender, dont like many of the "gender mutual" names)
update pic!!!
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