Was he plucking before you got him or after?


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Jun 14, 2007
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Was he plucking before you got him or after?

He was plucking before I got him..I didn't really care because I thought it would be easy to stop it if I changed his diet and gave him attention and love. I still think this way and I can say I see some progress.The last two days he pulled out just one feather.This was today morning after his shower when he was drying himself..And that made me wonder..Is it really good to give him a shower every day or do I provoke him this way to preen and consequently pluck?
I forgot to say I uploaded two pics of him in the photo gallery amazons. Isn't he sweet? :) ;)
As someone said in your last post, he's been to a vet, so it can't be anything medical, it could be that he was plucking becauce of lack of proper diet, attention. Now that he is getting these he could stop, with the showers, after you have given him a shower does he preen or pluck, If its preen then I wouldn't worry about it. If this is the time that he is plucking then yes I would cut it down. As he only pulled one feather today after his shower, I don't think it will be the showers making him pluck, but only you will be able to say about that, as you see him. It could also be habit, in which case your gonna need to try and break the habit, maybe distracting him when he starts pulling on those feathers.
Have just been to see your beautiful fella in the gallery. He really is lovely.
Yes Peta I agree with you..I try to distract him..Today I missed this one.He was cleaning himself licking the water off him and I didn't exactly realize if he had it in mind, I mean to pull some feather out. It's just one feather ok.. But generally I have observed that he will always pluck until noon if he does so.So I have my attention on him all that time.. Did you see his pics?
ok I just saw toyr last post reply.. Thanks !
Hopefully in no time at all we'll be seeing pics of him fully feathered. :D
I hope your words come true really soon..Thanks a lot! I needed to hear that ...
He really is gorgeous, and his feather plucking doesn't look to be too bad.

Do you have him forage for his food? I've seen using a "foraging tree" help birds that have plucked.

If his old diet has been causing him to pluck it may take a while for his new diet to take effects. As for the showering if he does preen afterwards instead of plucking I would keep it up. The showering will help if his skin is irritated which can cause plucking.

Can't wait to more pictures! Reminds me so much of my Pepsi.
What a happy wee face.. lucky bird to have found u. The plucking is not too bad looking. Is he moulting just now? Rox is in her first moult and that area of er lower chest seems to be the last place to be replenished. Loads of pin feathers on head and lovely new wings ..she looks like she is wearing a green helmet.
Just wondering cause different country etc if mould earlier.
No he is not moulting this period.He probably went through it some time ago because he is growing new feathers on his head at the moment. I will post new pics of him playing as soon as I take some...

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