What absolutely freaks YOU out?!


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Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
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Another "mindless" fun post here. It's been pretty serious around here lately...

Be honest. Does anything REALLY just flip you out? Spiders? Mice? Clowns??

I'd definitely have to say that for me, it's larvae. Not meal worms, but white soft bodied ones... Baby flies. Maggots blown up large on a page of a book, or on computer which is light enough to flip in the air would be on the ground in a split second as I freak out like a maniac, throw the book or laptop off of me and run screaming and gagging at the sight of maggots (even in a picture). They have got to be the worst :eek: and the worst part of it is I wouldn't even be putting on an act. It's an honest knee-jerk reaction. A phobia!
You could imagine my horror some years ago when I bartended, and the last person who worked before me forgot to dump the sugar (for sugaring the edge of fufu drink glasses) out of the container. The next morning I opened the container and ran full speed through the establishment. I don't even think a sound was able to escape my mouth. I'm just glad I didn't 'throw' the container :52: My boss wasn't the least bit sympathetic to my "phobia", and made me clean it. My heart was racing a mile a minute as I flinched as I tried desperately not to touch the container while I killed a thousand tiny fruit fly maggots under scalding running water.

I have one more. Not to be gross, so I'll say it as eloquently AS POSSIBLE... But I also can get a full blown panic attack if I see someone *ehem* getting sick :26: Although I've passed on having kids of my own, it is different if it is a loved one. I can handle it then. I only freak if it's a stranger in public :eek:

Now that you know how strange I am... How about YOU??


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I am absolutely terrified of Grand daddy long legs. Once when I was in my teens, so friends (of course boys) decided they would get me over my fear, and held me down and put them all over me...I am shuddering just remembering:(
My daughter also can't stand anyone getting sick around her, she gets sick herself.


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Feb 15, 2014
Dallas area, Texas
I'm fine with most insects and spiders(as long as they aren't crawling on me, I'll admit.)
But, one thing that I *Cannot* be around comfortably is llamas..
I know it sounds so silly!! But ever since I was a child it was burned into my brain that they bite and spit (To deter me from sticking my hands in their faces at the petting zoo/anywhere else, in the country.) so now any time I'm around llamas or alpacas of any type I'm just constantly on edge. If they stare at me for too long, I start finding excuses to move about the area.. sheesh!
Another thing is unexpected loud noises.. I can handle my conures yelling, but my Ekkie's scream, thunder, any type of alarm, siren, whatever. I hate it. Can't do it.


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Jul 20, 2012
I'd definitely have to say that for me, it's larvae. Not meal worms, but white soft bodied ones... Baby flies. Maggots blown up large on a page of a book, or on computer which is light enough to flip in the air would be on the ground in a split second as I freak out like a maniac, throw the book or laptop off of me and run screaming and gagging at the sight of maggots (even in a picture). They have got to be the worst :eek: and the worst part of it is I wouldn't even be putting on an act. It's an honest knee-jerk reaction. A phobia!

Hold on tightly now, I've got a maggot story. When I was breeding and raising tarantulas, I collected maggots because they make AWESOME spiderling food. :54: I'd purposely leave a piece of meat outside in an uncovered Tupperware container and waited for the flies to do their "thing". :eek: Ya, nasty, now that I think back...I sure was a "little" nuts.

I don't do wasps and/or hornets. Now I love and even attract bees, but wasps, hornets and yellow jackets and I put on my running shoes.

If any of you remember "Fear Factor", each time a contestant would have to eat stuff that I would never dream of eating (bugs and other NASTY stuff), I would have to leave the room or cover my eyes. For the life of me I can't watch it without "regurgitating" myself. :32:


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oh gosh!....maggots and centipedes are both on the top list for me. Jeepers both creep me out!!!
I DON"T DO MAGGOTS nor centipedes....somebody else will have to look after them.....cause I am running away as fast as I can, haha!


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Feb 17, 2014
There are plenty of the standard creepy crawler things that freak me out but what really gets me....Monsanto (and the enormous amount of people who don't know what they are or what they are up to)! They are an evil company that's primary goal is to control the worlds food production after they have turned it into Frankenfoods with GMO and pesticides! :eek:


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I have an unhealthy fear of clowns (watched "IT" when I was too young), wasps (terrified of being stung) and monkeys (got mugged by a monkey on holiday in France when I was a kid- long story... :20: ) but can live with it.

I have a total irrational crippling fear of spiders. Even typing that word made me cringe! I live in the UK- we don't have a single dangerous spider in this country. I'm not fussed by creepy crawlies unless they have spider-like legs. No logic, no reason, I'm just *seriously* freaked out by them.

I saw a MASSIVE one at work one day in the kitchen, I swear it was bigger than my cat :eek: . It was over 6 months before I went back in there- I gave up hot drinks, took 8 bottles of water in with me so I didn't need to top up and ate warm sandwiches in the locker room on my break...

I think I might have some issues there... :rolleyes:


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Nov 6, 2012
Milo - my new baby B&G macaw! Rosie - Orange Wing Amazon & Rupert - Red Lored Amazon
Oh, and RavensGryf, I have a matching bar story too! :)

When I was a student I worked in a cocktail bar. There was talk of someone having seen a large spider behind the bar, needless to say I was very careful what I picked up. Seeing me being a little paranoid, a colleague thought it would be funny to throw a tomato stalk at me (you know, the star shaped top that kinda looks spidery at first glance?). I totally freaked out. I ran out the back and took my shirt off and stamped on it hysterically, then worried it could've got into my trousers. I was pretty much in my underwear by the time someone came out to tell me it was a prank.

I then realised the back yard was overlooked by the kitchen...

Our new chef didn't turn up for work the following day- he was Polish and there were a few language barriers but the gist of it was that he couldn't work with "the crazy English girls"...!


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Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
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My daughter also can't stand anyone getting sick around her, she gets sick herself.

Well I'm also phobic of doing it myself, so when I see it happen it literally disturbs me to the point that it's hard for me to forget about. Okay... Enough about me before you all think I'm so weird you won't talk to me again. :52:


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Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
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Hold on tightly now, I've got a maggot story. When I was breeding and raising tarantulas, I collected maggots because they make AWESOME spiderling food. :54: I'd purposely leave a piece of meat outside in an uncovered Tupperware container and waited for the flies to do their "thing". :eek: Ya, nasty, now that I think back...I sure was a "little" nuts.

I don't do wasps and/or hornets. Now I love and even attract bees, but wasps, hornets and yellow jackets and I put on my running shoes.

If any of you remember "Fear Factor", each time a contestant would have to eat stuff that I would never dream of eating (bugs and other NASTY stuff), I would have to leave the room or cover my eyes. For the life of me I can't watch it without "regurgitating" myself. :32:

Ohhhhhh EwwwwUghhhh Wendy... I couldn't do it for the life of me. LOOKING at the meat with maggots would be traumatizing, let alone scraping them off and saving them! :eek:

Yes, I loved to watch Fear Factor, but I couldn't see HOW people could do the eating part. It was always awful. Course I had to look away when someone got sick!


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Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
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@lucy1 - OMG you have me in tears over here!! :D that's absolutely hysterical to imagine!!


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Feb 26, 2013
Anything creepy crawly- mainly bugs, spiders, BLECH!!!! I can do rodents, snakes, lizards, etc but as soon as a bug comes out I scream like a banshee and demand that my husband "take care" of it lol

Sterling- we had llamas at one point growing up, and although I never got bit, there was one day I tried to pet one of them and he hocked THEE biggest llama loogee on me :eek: :eek:


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bats for me.... tho I think they are really cool, when they are flying around I'll scream like a little girl...

Show Victoria a bug or spider and she screams worse then a little girl... I remember driving home from the barn once, she was maybe 12 or 13, I still was driving my big red F250 4x4 truck. She had a book with her (she always had a book with her). She opened the book and there was a spider either on the book or in between pages and she threw it and literally crawled across my lap and out my window to get away from it... and I was driving down the road at the time... we still have a good laugh over it, well at least I do :)


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Sep 30, 2013
I guess you won't want to hear this story, RavensGryf.....

My brother came back from a trip overseas and found that his rolled oats were crawling with maggots/larvae.

AFTER he'd eaten a bowl of them.

I don't really freak out that much, I can control it, but I'm not keen on rats or mice on "my turf". I don't mind them out in the garden, but inside, no thank you.

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