what is happening with his water??


New member
May 19, 2014
Limerick, Ireland
Green Cheeked Conure called JellyBean
After Jellybeans last health visit to the vet, she advised that he should have a separate night cage for sleeping. It is smaller with no toys just perches. So when we put him to bed at night, he has a few seeds and his water bottle. We never hear a peep out of him all night until I go into room the next morning to wake him. Even though the room is fairly dark - I put a cover on three sides of his cage to keep him cosy. Now here is the wierd part - every morning his water bottle is empty and the cover is wet on that side of the cage. The cage is dry and the outside of the water bottle is dry.... Has anyone any idea what he is up too? He doesn't seem anyway stressed and does not mind going to sleep in the cage. I am puzzled!
Perhaps the bottle is leaking? Fill it during the day and set it up somewhere and see if it leaks throughout the day. If it doesn't leak that way, see if it's pressed up against something that would make it leak. :)
I have had so many water bottles its silly and all of them leaked. I had chinchillas and gave up on the water bottles. lol They leak from the sides and tip. I think you have a leak.
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I will try and see if there is a leak... but if there was you would think that around the bottle would be wet and the bottom of the cage where it is... Everything is perfectly dry. Just the cover. Hmm I think the little bean is up to something...
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Yep, guys, it was leaking and I tried to fill it right up and it worked perfectly!! Thanks everyone for their advice...

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