What tricks does your bird know?


New member
Jul 30, 2017
Ducky knows:
- Target
- Wave
- Spin
- Eagle Wings
- Recall
- Go to Perch
- Fetch/Retrieve
- Through the Hoop
- Basketball
- Ring Toss
- Birdie Bowling
Kermit knows:
- Target
- Wave
- Spin
- Bat/Hang on command
- Recall
Bluebell unfortunately doesn't know any tricks, she is a little wild.
What tricks does your parrot know? Don't include things like step up or letting you handle it, only behaviors that it knows on command. You may include speech or sounds that they mimic also.
Elvis knows:

-whistle jingle bells when asked to sing.

None of my other birds can do tricks on command.

My past birds could.

Feather knew:

-jump the river (I'd make a little gap and ask her to jump it.)

Cassie knew:

- how to solve puzzles

Clicky knew:



-go to bed



-jump through hoops


Chrissy knew:

-go to cage

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Bumble knows:
To perch
Go poop
Spin (on table, perch, finger)
Loop (on perch and finger)
Go through hoop
Batbird (dangles by one foot from my finger)
Bumbleroll (Batbird to rightside up other hand)
Plays peekaboo (says "peek") and understands it's about not being able to see me as she plays at least different versions and started one on her own.
Learning: vertical spin around a perch ala Salty
Next up: Station/hold for nail trim

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Salty does:
Spin circles
Roll over
Shake hands
Pull all 4 kings out of a deck of cards
Put money in his bank
Put colored rings on posts
Put colored space men into colored boxes
Spin on a stick
Play dead
Play peek a boo with a 3 foot section of pipe
CLean up from playing peek a boo
play a kiddy piano
Find treats buried under a towel
Goes shopping with a little shopping cart
Puts things I name into a bowl
Gives me things I name from the bowl
Puts his harness on and off
Will give me little plastic animals that I name ..horse, deer, lamb, bear
Gives kisses on request
Learning opera , a Mozart piece
I'm sure there is more too

Al that's awesome!
Henry knows target and turnaround. He also knows how to play pick up 52, as long as it's me doing the pick up's....
My daughter has already taught her baby lovebird to shake hands.

I need to do some work. We've been a slacking!
My GCC knows "dead bird" where we hold him in our hand, he lay on his back with his head hanging over the side with his eyes closed. We also do this thing with him where we hold him in our hands again and say either "Can I kiss you?" (then we give him a kiss. Or "Can I.... EAT YOU!" then we softly nibble his belly and he does his weird little repeated screech that sound like hes saying "NONONONONO". With our other sun conure Max, We say "upside down?" and she hangs upside down on one foot.

Here's where it gets a little impressive (for our birds at least). Nicky our CAG can say over thirty words/phrases and over ten different whistles. Here are some of her more common ones :
Gotta go to work!
I'll be back! *whistle and kissy noise*
Victory Whistle
Laaa da da
Bye Bye!
catcall whistle
Water droplet noise whenever we drink something
A VERY high pitch whistle as a thank you when we give her a treat.

Thank you for sharing your bird's amazing skills :)
Oh my goodness Salty! What a good birdie! Thanks for that video.

I'm jealous of you all, with your training and tricks. Maybe when school starts I'll be able to work with Duke. He does seem to have a pretty good vocabulary though.

Mister Duke says
-can you talk?
-whatcha doin?
-what ARE you doing?
-HI Mister Duke
-pretty boy
-Hey Doug!
-I love you (a couple of different inflections)
-Hi Cop
-get outta there!
-don't want
-say goodnight
-go night-night
-I'll miss you
- wanna go outside?
- come out
- sunshine?
-hi kids
-don't bite (and don't bite the mother)
-is that good?
-you like that?
-be nice!
- no no no!
- d*mmit!
-don't chew on that
-whistle (says the word, then whistles.)

he does a nice loud wolf whistle, and we're working on the Andy Griffith theme.

there are more. I take no credit, it's all from my mother-in-law. It's nice to hear her voice through him. I want to teach him to say 'help, they turned me into a parrot!'
Poor Peanut doesn't talk, all she does is make fart noises. I don't know where she picked that up from, probably hanging around my husband too much. She also knows kisses and will make a kissing sound.

She knows "come here" and is actually better at it than the dogs, she knows "go night nights" when it's time for bed and she will lay in your hand and then hang off from one leg. She also caught and ate a fly once, but I don't know if that would be considered a trick.
The first couple tricks are hard to teach them, because they don't understand you are trying show them what they need to do to get the treat. Now, Salty knows we are going to do some thing new and gets excited, hoping from foot to foot. And he gets stuff in 2 or 3 tries. I think they enjoy learning new things. Salty swill even devise new things to do with some of the props. If you've seen the video of him flipping the ring over his head, he invented that, I didnt. And he came up with a second way to it , too, where he balances the ring on its end, and then he just walks thru it. Salty has a set time every night that we train, and heaven help me if I am late, he will raise a ruckus. I think training your parrot to do tricks help strength the trust.


Many more.

You all ASTOUND ME. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nigel can shake hands, fly on command, show off his wings, poo in designated areas (don't know if that's a trick), and order us all around.

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The first couple tricks are hard to teach them, because they don't understand you are trying show them what they need to do to get the treat. Now, Salty knows we are going to do some thing new and gets excited, hoping from foot to foot. And he gets stuff in 2 or 3 tries. I think they enjoy learning new things. Salty swill even devise new things to do with some of the props. If you've seen the video of him flipping the ring over his head, he invented that, I didnt. And he came up with a second way to it , too, where he balances the ring on its end, and then he just walks thru it. Salty has a set time every night that we train, and heaven help me if I am late, he will raise a ruckus. I think training your parrot to do tricks help strength the trust.

So true! They come to enjoy the training for two reasons, IMO. One, because it's a form of mental stimulation. They are intelligent and, as such, need to challenge themselves and engage in activities with others to keep from being bored.

And second, because it's a form of communication with their person. No matter how good we get at reading our birds' body language, we still miss a lot that another bird would not. So developing a trick, or a command and response exercise of any kind that has a result that can be anticipated, would be an exciting prospect.

Amazing video btw, Al! Blows me away every time I see it!

As for tricks and such, Jolly will:
-spin on command
-ask for kisses (in either a sweet voice or this really grimy sounding voice, depending on his mood. Lol!)
-make a kissing noise if asked for a kiss
-sing a song comprised solely of his name ("Jolly, Jolly, Jolly, Jolly... you get the point. Lol!)
-raise his wing on command
-shake hands (when prompted by the phrase, "Pleased to meet you")
-fetch specifically requested colored rings and fly them to me on command (currently knows red, blue and yellow)
-take said colored rings and fly them over to a designated cup
-targeting and recall at virtually 100%
-stay put on command at maybe 80%
-hangs upside down on command
-100% potty trained and will fly off to his tree stand to poop

Spoken words and phrases
-"Jolly's a good boy!"
-"Good job!"
-"Well done!"
-"Love you!"
-"Out!" (In context, when he wants to come out of his cage.)
-"Mom" (Reportedly. He apparently only says it to my Mom. Lol!)
-"Gimme kissssssss!"

Maya will:
-spin on command
-hang upside down on command
-targeting at 90% (because if she's preening, I just have to wait until she's done.)
-recall at 100%
-hangs upside down on command
-fetch specified colored rings and walk them to me upon request (because the Diva still refuses to fly!) Currently differentiates between red and blue
-returns colored rings to cup upon request
-makes a show of stretching upward when I ask for a kiss
-grudgingly allows the harness to be put on (yes, I absolutely count this as a trick! Hahaha!)
-potty trained in that she'll hold it as long as she can. But since she doesn't like to fly, if you don't notice her squirming... she'll give your shirt a new look. Lol!
-does the whistle from Hunger Games

Spoken words/phrases:
-"Maya" (said in a freakishly exact mimicry of my wife's voice that has fooled me more than once!)
-"Hello/hi" spoken in a frightening array of voices: old man, gravelly Wolverine voice, little child and deep man voice
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How do you train your parrot to roll over? Kermit is not comfortable laying on his back without letting go of my finger, though, which will probably make it difficult. Ducky hates being upside down!
1) playing "bird tag" I guess you call it maybe "bird football" I described in another post where he avoids me till he makes a goal post, then demands to be picked up and celebrated.

2) speaking in context (a few phrases)

3) professional bathing either solo or a tandem sport with his owner.

4) professional body-guarding keeping wild birds away when we are outside tending the yard.

5) racketeering in order to get human food

6) "shake" I'm not sure if is on command or an initiation of "wrestling time" I'm working it into a command.

7) on that note, professional TV style fake wrestling laying on his back giving me "what for", verbally more than anything else.

8) pooping where told, unless I forget and wait to long to take him...my fault.

9) kisses 24/7

May not be as impressive a list as the others, but we all get the bird that chose us and I wouldn't trade mine for any other.
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How do you train your parrot to roll over? Kermit is not comfortable laying on his back without letting go of my finger, though, which will probably make it difficult. Ducky hates being upside down!

Haha! Yeah, both of my ekkies do the death grip when on their backs as well. They're completely copacetic lying on their backs so long as they have the safety net of my finger to hold on to, but should I try to remove said finger? Ever see a person in deep water who doesn't know how to swim? Yeah, that's pretty much what it looks like.

From what I've seen from others doing the roll over trick, though, the trick is in letting them get one foot on your finger and then supporting the side as you roll them onto their backs. If you look closely at Al's (Wrench13) video with Salty, you'll see an echo of what I'm talking about. Albeit at a more advanced stage in the process. He's at the point where Salty knows exactly what to expect, so he doesn't have to cradle him anymore. But notice the one foot on the finger. And treats are huge with this! Once he makes the association between getting treats and completing the roll, the trick will be getting him to stop! Lol!
Teaching Salty to roll over took awhile. Giving the rollover command and hand signal, I started by taking one footie, and with the other hand cupping his back, rolling him over, gently. THis took maybe a dozen tries, before he realized what I wanted he to do, and then I didn;t have to cup his back, but still to this day , have to hold his footie or rather he holds just the tip of my finger as he rolls over. Oddly enough , he used t extend either foot to roll right or left, but has now settled on only extending his right foot.
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I don't know how comfortable Kermit would be with flipping him over like that.
Wow! We have some real bird geniuses here. Tsali will:

Pick up items and drop them into one of three containers I point to.

Recite his "number" which is actually my cell # when I ask.

Recite his email address.

Don't know if manipulating his foraging toys counts, but he is very clever about opening things.
Being able to say your cell# and e-mail address is so cool, and useful too. Salty says a bunch of things but not because we taught him, no, he picks stuff up from watching parrot videos on Youtube! He really likes the voice IRNs have, and copies most things he hears from any IRN video.

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