What's the Right Choice?


New member
Mar 28, 2019
So my family and I have been looking into getting a parrot for over a year now. After doing extensive research, I still cannot decide on which species would be best for us. I always think I have it narrowed down and then I second guess myself because I just want to make sure to make the right choice. For instance, I had settled on a cockatiel but then I began to worry about the dust after reading threads about some people having lung issues because of it. I have two young children so they are the main factor in my decision. I really want a bird that isn't a 'one person bird' (generally speaking on the species as a whole, I know that all birds have their individual personalities), one that isn't very dusty or nippy, and isn't too hyperactive (I've heard lovebirds can be 'manic' at times) and will sometimes just sit with us as we read or whatever we happen to be doing. Right now I have been looking into Meyer's parrots and eclectus, but I'm not sure either of those fit what I'm asking for. Basically, are there any species that have a similar personality to a cockatiel without all the dust? Am I asking for too much with these requirements? I just want to make the right choice for the bird and for my family.


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Sounds like you need one of those mechanical Parrots!

You're looking for something that does not exist.

Perfection doesn't exist with Parrots as they are living creatures with their own personalities...

Likely not yet your time for a Parrot to come into your life.

When you are ready, Let the Parrot Choose You...


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Cockatiel dust doesn't seem that bad. My freind has one, he is elderly has lung issues, doesn't seem to bother him. I never noticed dust in cage..
Some people are specifically senstive to bird dander tho..
Welcome to the forum! Glad you are doing research!

It's true everyone's wants the perfect parrot, and truely if we knew if such a thing we would share!

I can say GCC are nippy, loves, but but fearless disciplinarian with that tiny needle beak.

Quakers like to make noise, and they make a lot if noise!

All parrots are messy, and you really can get that till you have one lol,

But we love em! I hope you find the right one for you! And share all the love, madness, frustrations, joy , and silliness with us!


Staff member
Super Moderator
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Welcome and be welcomed.

Also, parrots are LOUD, a lot. With small kids screaming etc, that can egg parrots on to join in the noise.

You get what you put into them. Nicely polite parrots that get along with all the family don't just happen becasue of species. It takes everybody in the family to take the time tto socilize with the parrot, in the right way. And that has to be done all the time or most will back slide and focus on one person.

Cockatiel or budgie seem like a good match. Budgies are so under rated as parrots, but they are all parrot and can talk and learn tricks plus thier bite (and all parrots bite at some point) is pretty tame. Take the time to find a breeder locally to you and visit their aviary,so the parrot can pick you.

Good Luck!


Well-known member
May 8, 2017
Green cheek conure - Sydney (Syd) Hatched 2/2017
I can't help but feel that a parrot is not a pet. For a start they are such individuals, so where you can pick a breed of dog and be fairly certain, with parrots it's a whole different ball game. For a start a dog or cat will pretty well fit in with most families but a parrot chooses who he is going to live with if anyone and ends up ruling the roost in many ways. They invariably choose their favourites and it takes good discipline from the whole family to avoid nasty bites and the bigger the beak the worse the bite.

I grew up with the occasional budgie. That's not to say that a budgie is any less of a parrot, a common mistake, but they are teachable, can talk, come in lovely colours and can be a delight. I now have a GCC and he's lovable and charming but getting us both to this point has been a challenge. He has drawn blood on occasion and now I am experienced enough to know what he's thinking most of the time. Good luck with your choice.


New member
Mar 23, 2020
Eva, red sided eclectus
Do a lot of research but also everything depends on how you are with them, if you don’t socialize them they won’t be friendly to other people. Also you can interact and see which bird do you connect with, I went to a pet store to take a look on cockatiels or a green cheek and fell in love with an eclectus. Just make sure you do a research before actually getting your bird. There’s not such thing as a perfect bird but you can just try to find one that you know you can supply their need in the best way

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