What's your personality type?


Well-known member
2x Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 2, 2021
Vermont, USA
Stormy(M): blue Australian budgie
Picasso(F): green Australian budgie
Apollo(F): sky blue dominant pied Australian budgie
Sooooo... I'm an ISTP-T (which makes up less than 5% of the population). Keeping in mind my personality type or the way I "display it" may change over time, here are some pros and cons. Here's the link to the test I took, it's free:

1. Love to tinker
2. More likely to help people out in risky situations/great in crisis
3. Imaginative and optimistic
4. Rational

1. More likely to overthink things
2. More likely to think I'm in danger without any evidence
3. Stubborn
4. Insensitive (this one especially is something I've struggled with my whole life)
5. Private and reserved (difficult to make friends with)
6. Easily bored (which is also an ADHD thing)

I hope some of you guys take the test and share the results! And remember, no judging people for who they are, everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. And finally, your personality type DOES NOT affect how good of a parront you'll be! Despite being fairly insensitive with people, I am VERY sensitive when it comes to animals, especially parrots, as they are so easy to read.
I sometimes doubt the accuracy of these tests, because they classify my as an introvert for not liking noisy places or being shy, or not making friends a lot, which is false, because I like being around people, just for a limited amount of time. Same goes for being alone. I like it, but not for a long time.

I'll try it just for fun anyway.

ok I got INFP-T, I relate to some of it but not all, mostly because they say that my personality type likes to be alone most of the time, which isn't 100% true for me because I need balance between social interaction and being alone

Edit: spelling mistake
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I sometimes doubt the accuracy of these tests, because they classify my as an introvert for not liking noisy places or being shy, or not making friends a lot, which is false, because I like being around people, just for a limited amount of time. Same goes for being alone. I like it, but not for a long time.

I'll try it just for fun anyway.

ok I got INFP-T, I relate to some of it but not all, mostly because they say that my personality type likes to be alone most of the time, which isn't 100% true for me because I need balance between social interaction and being alone

Edit: spelling mistake
Remember, a personality test is not 100% accurate! Everyone's personality is different, personality tests just kind of "sum up" some of the more apparent parts of your personality. But that doesn't mean you have to agree with all of it!
Mine is ISFJ-T

  • supportive
  • reliable
  • observant
  • entusistic
  • hardworking
  • good practical skills ("This personality type offers the rare combination of an altruistic nature and hard-won practicality. Defenders don’t just hope to help others. They take action – meaning that they’re more than happy to roll up their sleeves and do what’s necessary to care for their friends, family, and anyone else who needs it." - I disagree with it)

  • Overly Humble
  • taking things personally
  • repressing their feelings (I'm not sure if to agree with it... rather nor)
  • overcommited
  • Reluctant to Change
  • Too Altruistic
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So my personality type is the ninth rarest (out of 16), Pipp's is the 8th rarest, and Roz's is the #1 most common, just in case anyone was wondering.
Huh. This survey indicates that I am an INFP. I think that’s mostly true but not entirely. Some of the questions were not relevant to me. Maybe I’ll retake it and see what happens or make note of the questions that are troublesome.
I reread the questions and was confused on a couple of them—kind of read them opposite to what they should have been. (How did I do that?) And came up as INTP which makes more sense.
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  • Creative
  • Insightful
  • Principled
  • Passionate
  • Altruistic"

  • Sensitive to Criticism
  • Reluctant to Open Up
  • Perfectionistic
  • Avoiding the Ordinary
  • Prone to Burnout"
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  • Creative
  • Insightful
  • Principled
  • Passionate
  • Altruistic

  • Sensitive to Criticism
  • Reluctant to Open Up
  • Perfectionistic
  • Avoiding the Ordinary
  • Prone to Burnout
I say hmmmmmm..... 70% accurate!
An INFJ’s intuition is usually one of their strongest qualities. They have uncanny insight into people and situations. INFJs can be difficult to understand for others, and that might cause them to be secretive, making them even more mysterious. But they are also genuinely warm and caring with their friends and family."
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Friendly reminder to put quotations marks around pieces of text directly copy and pasted from someone else’s work!
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It’s really fun to see everyone’s results, keep ‘em coming!
ENFP-T! You know, I took one of these Meyers-Briggs type assessments many years ago and got ENTJ, but I agree that my mindset & outlook has really changed since then.

I like to look at these as fun opportunities for insight as to where I’m at mentally at the time I’m taking the quiz rather than a serious evaluation.

That being said, this one was fun!
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I like to look at these as fun opportunities for insight as to where I’m at mentally at the time I’m taking the quiz rather than a serious evaluation.
I totally agree!
Mine is ISFJ-T

  • supportive
  • reliable
  • observant
  • entusistic
  • hardworking
  • good practical skills ("This personality type offers the rare combination of an altruistic nature and hard-won practicality. Defenders don’t just hope to help others. They take action – meaning that they’re more than happy to roll up their sleeves and do what’s necessary to care for their friends, family, and anyone else who needs it." - I disagree with it)

  • Overly Humble
  • taking things personally
  • repressing their feelings (I'm not sure if to agree with it... rather nor)
  • overcommited
  • Reluctant to Change
  • Too Altruistic
Me too! Hello fellow personality type. Also these are great fun.
I find it interesting how most people got introverted personality types. I think it's because bird owners are usually a bit more introverted.

EDIT: I just remembered that most of the population is made up of introverts
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I find it interesting how most people got introverted personality types. I think it's because bird owners are usually a bit more introverted.
EDIT: I just remembered that most of the population is made up of introverts
I have been described as an extroverted introvert (whatever that means).
I have been described as an extroverted introvert (whatever that means).
I think it means that you're very opened among people you know and you prefer being quiet among people you don't know.... at least I think I saw such meme about extroverted introvert people.... I may be wrong

I got about 80% introvert and I'm not surprised. I'm not really opened and I have a habit of hiding some facts about me from others - I just don't feel comfortable of admitting some things.

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