Why are you grateful for your bird?


New member
Jul 13, 2011
Darcy (Golden-Collared Macaw), Puck (Caique - RIP)
It's been a LONG few days for me. My ex boyfriend of 3 years died over the weekend and I've been helping to clean up his apartment, and in general been very, very upset.

I got home this evening, and turned up the music, and Puck is chattering/singing away to the music, and it helps me feel a lot better! He is soooo cute and cheerful (mostly)! I love his little "chow chow chow" noises and his birdy songs! I could probably listen to bird chatter all day long without getting tired of it!
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Firstly condolences on your loss ..

My/Our bird Basil..
Im grateful that he is accepting us and getting to know us ( he now makes a special call when OH car pulls up) I love hearing him chatter and call..
Its so nice to have another voice in a silent house..

He gives my husband a hobby, a reason to do something other than work, he has helped build a bond between my husband and our son in law who also keeps birds.

He is always happy to see us and that makes a person feel wanted when often other humans just make you feel like crap..
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

I am grateful that my little guy is so cuddly and loves my company and attention. When life throws a curve ball Apple is there to put a smile on my face by being the silly little bird that he is. I thank him for that! :)
Condolences, I'm glad you have Puck.
Also, what a lovely idea for a thread, will be nice to read through. :)

I'm was very greatful for my Wonsy (budgie) because she taught me how to really love and care for birds. I was used to cats and dogs, and the budgie I had before her, although looked after, I was a bad owner. Wonsy taught me unlimited patience for birds, she helped ease my anger problems, she was there for me during the times I was bullied, she would annoy the heck out of me whilst I was trying to play games on my computer, but I could never get angry as it was just so sweet. She was my first "baby" and I'm so greatful for everything she ever did and everything she taught me. She really gave me a passion for birds.

'The Guys' - I'm greatful for these guys, although I sometimes toy with the idea of giving them to people who have an aviary or something, I know I couldn't. My babies are my budgie's and I love them very much. Although they do squabble a lot, there is nothing better than watch those guys give each other affection and watching how they 'look out' for each other, it's just beautiful. I love my babies because they can really cheer me up with their chatter - and they make my ill Grandma happy when she visits, so that's a bonus. :)

Merlin - Where would I begin?
I will be forever greatful for Merlin because he is my first "big" (lol) bird. He can be demanding, bitey, loud, a pain in the butt, but he's the sweetest cuddle bug ever. His sweet little noises, the way he comes over to 'mummy' or 'daddy' for his cuddles. The way he'll do anything for a grape. His chatter whilst he preens. Birds are magnificent animals and I'm just forever greatful that I have these fantastic characters in my life.

My OH can be very cynical about the world and I know that our babies help to keep him positive. I know that when he is feeling low, the cuddles from our babies cheer him up without a doubt. Those are the things I'm greatful for. :)
Angel helped me deal with the loss of my brother. she is the reason i get up every morning.
So sorry for your loss and I hope things get better for you soon.

Birds are so joyful and my birds give me hours of entertainment and always show unconditional love. I do not know how I lived day to day in the past without one!
I am so sorry for your loss.
My birds are the reason I get up every day. I have 4 little personalities that love me no matter what.
I'm so sorry for your loss ):

Alex? First, going to visit him when he was a chick and meeting his wonderful (human!) family gave me not only a little bundle of feathers all of my own, but his 'human parents' became two new wonderful friends, who still have heaps to do with me and Alex. :)

Second? After getting him home, I went through a bit of a tough time. He was, (and still is!) a better medicine then anything else for my occasional depressive states. On those days I would normally not get out of bed If I could avoid it? Yep, Alex demanding food. Although it used to drive me up the wall, now I'm grateful for it in retrospect.

Recently? I just had to leave my share house and couch surf with Alex because of an argument with my housemates over something trivial that escalated (on their part) so much that one of them struck me. Stayed with the boyfriend while looking for a new place for myself, he picked the best time to decide he couldn't cope with a relationship, so I had to move again. Literally had nowhere to go, was actually about to call up Alex's breeders (See first point!) to see if I could stay awhile! They're wonderful people :) Luckily a room opened up on res at uni, so we took it. All this stress and worry (and near homelessness!) would normally have sent me into a depressive rut, and I probably would have gave up. But that little bundle of feathers that depends on you for food and shelter pushes you on. The companionship he gave me when I felt all alone was irreplaceable. But the funny thing is, he ALWAYS gives it, I just didn't realise how much love he has to give until then. :)
I am very sorry to hear about your loss & I will pray for you to have strength as you go through this time.
I am grateful for Lila my YNA because she provides me with companionship & pleasure & humor & laughter.
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I love ALL of these replies! Thanks everyone! I'm doing better now than I was.
Awww, hunny, I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I am forever grateful for my fids for being there for me, for accepting me unconditionally, for being my only friends when everyone else moved away or decided they didnt like me anymore. They kept me going when I didnt think I had a reason to wake up in the morning and they cheer me up when I feel like I'm at breaking point. For making me laugh and for showing me how to appreciate the simple things in life. I love my fids.
i am so sorry to read about your loss

i'm 98% grateful for the nut, for basically just being the nut, she keeps us all on our toes,
as my son is an only child in the house, she teaches him to share an have patiance, also she punishes his meaness, i know this sounds odd, his not a mean child, but as children do, they do find it funny to annoy others:09:

also she has given my man, something to moan about, but he is rather fond of her, cos she knows how to charm him, and it is funny when she follows him to his throne room, either landing on his head, or climbing onto his trousers, by his legs!!!:11:

as for me, she is the perfect companion, she lost 2% as she is still rather beaky, with intent. lately she has taken to walking on the floor, an scurrying after things like a rat would. she is currently perched on the curtain pole, makin cute litte squeaks, she knows its her cage time, but she'll waddle in when she is hungry. till then she will do her best to keep out of the way, in hope i have forgotten about her cage times :21: she's had my son's toe this morning
*his fault as he was waddlin it at her, nipped me under my arms for attention, nipped man for not sharing his bacon butty, so to be fair she has treated us all evenly! :31::10:
Sorry for your loss, always hard losing a loved one, ex or not, praying for you.
Glad you have Puck....
When my mom passed away Mishka was there to comfort me, I remember him not saying a word for about two days, just sat on my lap, rubbing his beak against my neck.

Be strong

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