Why didn't someone mention to me ...


Bird poop and baby poop
Dec 26, 2006
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New Hampshire USA
15 year-old Sun Conure: Hamlet &
14 year-old Green-Cheeked Conure: Mac
Next time I say that Christy and I are thinking about getting another fid, which won't be for a while, would one of you remindme that another fid means more poop! I mean, really, Mac is a little food processor ... put it in nice and neat, and it comes out in a mess like two minutes later , you guys will have to excuse me while I go out and buy another bottle of "Poop Off" ... for those of you who don't know what it is ... it's a miracle in a bottle ... it gets poop out of carpet, clothing, bed sheets, duvet covers, microfiber sofas (and loveseats). I am sure the list is longer, but these are the only things I can attest to right now ..
I live by poop off, the bottle with the little brush on top. You should see the size of the poop that can come out of Pepsi. After getting stains out of carpet, off the walls, and great to use to clean the perchs. Just imagine the poop when you get those big fids. Pepsi has had poops the size of Mac, but she has a behaivior problem where she likes to hold it too. I have weird fids!!! :p
I love that stuff, I've even used it to clean up the java tree and the bottom of the cages, Brilliant.

If anyone is thinking of buying a fid, that is the second most important purchase before buying the fid. :D and lots of it. :D:D
yeh but has anyone found something that removes the pomegranete poo stain !!!!
Ahhh the pomegranate poo, nasty........... :D Mr Muscle wipes usually do the trick with me on that one. :D
wow, a conversation about bird poo.... um... how interesting?...
Thats what happens when you become a parront :D :D :D
Poop-Off wipes are pretty fantastic too.

Just recently discovered Grapefruit Seed Extract, and it works just as well
Maybe my guys don't poop as dramatically as yours, or something like that but my fids poop does not stick that baddly. The occasions when it does i just soak the thing with a wet paper towel (but then my fids don't poop outside of their cages - their own doing, not mine). If I need to scrub anything I use a microfiber cloth (their own). Again, just water. Maybe I just have it easy.
Right Indigo and nzchickadee I've had words with my guys and told them thats what I want, clean tidy birds I'll let ya know if they've listened. :D

So you can get to know what we're talking bout do ya wanna swap for a while. :D

Bucc used to only go outside his cage, would NEVER go inside, I was the one who trained him to go inside his cage, now he thinks its great and saves it all up for when we go to bed, :eek: then when he's out its poop heaven again, They are usually pretty good only going on their stands, but we do have accidents and its them that are the problem. :D
Peta are you serious? Oh dont tempt me!
Naaaah, I love my wee tempremental nippy girl, she helped me get over a nasty illness.
I am thankful I have a lil one when cleaning the window sills :)
Oh yeah, most of their accidents happen on the window sill, :eek: Usually they are pretty good and go on their playstands. :D
Ahhh poop talk... did I mention that my mom renamed my fid Poopy-pants... yeah :rolleyes: wonderful

yeah I love getting the huge giant "mommy I saved this for you" poop :eek:
those are never small, or easy to pick up.
As Christy and I call them, "Morning Constitutionals" ... I just don't understand how sooo much can come out of something so small ...
When I was at the aviary today, we got to pet the babies that I believe were still being weaned. Well, two of the African Grey babies pooped on my towel and OMG, it was so large. Is that normal for a Grey, or is it because of the weaning formula they are on?
my guess is that it was prolly smaller that what I get now LOL I know my fids poo is HUGE :eek: got to double up the new paper to keep it from soaking up the rug :p

its the nasty snot like texture that gets me EW!!

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