Why do I keep the morons?

Oh no, I am so sorry for your loss:(
Sepha is dead. I found her this morning drowned in the toilet... She must have CRUSHED herself getting out of her cage let alone crushing herself to get under the toilet door.. *sighs upset* stupid bird...

Wow that's horrible. Why would a bird do that?

Edited: ok,so I read through the complete thread, so sorry for your loss. What about a different species of parrot? Like a parrotlet, or a linnie for your daughter?
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Kinny, I'm so so sorry to hear this. It's unbelievable. We had a magical budgie, Sticky Feet (hence our name on here) who was intuitive, hilarious and had a vocabulary of about 70 words and phrases - he didn't leave my side when I was drugged and dopey after some surgery. He had a tumour in his abdomen, surgery would have killed him, so I was keeping him until I saw he was compromised, had decided to take him in, but he beat me to it, and died with me holding him. A couple of years after he died, we brought a red crested kakariki into our lives, Boo, and he was pretty wild when we got him. Basically we rescued him from a terrible situation in a pet store - they were keeping him by the door, there was blood all over his cage from a cut on his foot, etc. We thought we were bringing him home to have a comfortable place to die, but he rallied and became a driving force around here for four years. Unfortunately, when we got to the bottom of these weird eye problems he was having, the vet said it was TB that he had likely contracted in the aviary. We had to let him go in May 2012, after nearly a year on TB medication - his little body just gave up. I swore we would NEVER have birds again - I was so heartbroken after Boo, we had tried so hard with him. But here we are, and two months ago we brought two boy GCCs, Bean and Kermit, into our lives. I had them at the vet tonight, just for a baseline checkup, and they're healthy and happy, and it makes my heart sing. You do lose your favourites, but they remain in a place that no others can touch. I feel like that sounds a bit trite, but even after Sticky Feet and Boo, I've found there's room for Bean and Kermit. I hope you find room - I think everyone knows how wrenching it is when you lose one of your little peanuts. :smile015:

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